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10/25/2015. Sunshine Middle School Sunshine Zoo Sunny Garden Lake ParkSunshine Park Bus stop Underground Sunshine Restaurant.

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Presentation on theme: "10/25/2015. Sunshine Middle School Sunshine Zoo Sunny Garden Lake ParkSunshine Park Bus stop Underground Sunshine Restaurant."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/25/2015

2 Sunshine Middle School Sunshine Zoo Sunny Garden Lake ParkSunshine Park Bus stop Underground Sunshine Restaurant

3 A: Where are we going for our trip? B: We’re going to … A: Where’s the …? Is it far away from … B: No. It’s north/south/east/west of …, about … kilometres away. A: How will we get there? B: We’ll get there... You and your partner are planning a trip. Make a conversation like below.

4 The Class 1, Grade 7 students are going on a trip in Sunshine Zoo.

5 10/25/2015 There are many animals in the zoo. monkeys lion giraffe panda

6 cute eat bamboo lie down all day long

7 lion king of the animal world dangerous never go near them

8 10/25/2015 birds make beautiful sounds

9 monkeys clever and funny jump around make people laugh

10 giraffe quite tall long neck eat the leaves from trees

11 10/25/2015 elephant open fans large ears

12 AnimalFeatures panda, eat. lion of the animal world bird make beautiful. monkey and make people. giraffe quite, long. elephant ears like. cute bamboo king sounds jump aroundlaugh tallneck largefans Make some notes about the animals and their features.

13 10/25/2015 zebra crocodile peacockhippo [kr ɔ k ə dail]

14 10/25/2015 leopard ostrich squirrel dolphin [lepəd] [ ɔ str ɪ t ʃ ]

15 Now they are in front of Sunshine Zoo. A tour guide is showing them a map and telling them how to get around the zoo.

16 1.The students start their visit from the North Gate. 2.Pandas do not like to lie down all day long. 3.Visitors cannot go near the lions. 4.The birds in the zoo are very quiet. 5.Monkeys are clever and funny. 6.To the north-east of the giraffes there is a hill. Read the introduction by yourselves and finish the T/F questions. F F F T F T

17 1.A tour guide is showing them a map and telling them how to get around the zoo. tell sth tell sb. sth. tell sb. to do sth. tell sb. not to do sth. Every night Eddie’s mother tells a story. I can’t tell you the secret. My mother tells me to do my homework right now. The head teacher tells us not to cross the road when the light is red.

18 2. Go straight on, and you’ll find the Panda House. 一直直走 go straight on 这两句话是顺承关系,两句话中间用 and 连接 Turn left, and you’ll find the world of the birds. Then turn right, and you’ll see the giraffes. Cross the bridge, and you’ll see the elephants. 如果这两句话是转折关系, 中间用 or 连接 Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school. Be more careful, or you’ll fail the test.

19 3. They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long. ( 整天躺着 ) 4. Walk along the road. 沿着 Be careful when you walk along the river.

20 5. To the north of the Panda House, you’ll find the lions. To the west of the Lions’ Area, you’ll find the World of Birds. To the north of the World of Birds is the Monkeys’ Forest. To the east of Monkeys’ Forest, you’ll see the giraffes. Panda House Lions’ Area World of Birds Monkeys’ Forest giraffes

21 6. Remember that they’re dangerous. remember that+ 句子 remember to do sth. =I remember to turn off the light when I leave the room. I remember that I should turn off the light when I leave the room.

22 7. Birds make beautiful sounds when they sing.

23 8. They jump around and make people laugh. 上蹿下跳 jump around 使人们大笑 make people laugh make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 It makes me feel great. make sb. adj. 使某人 ------ The good idea makes us happy.

24 9. Their long necks help them eat the leaves from trees. help sb. do sth. help sb. with sth. 周末时,我经常帮助妈妈做家务。 I often help my mother do the housework at the weekend. I often help my mother with the housework at the weekend.

25 10. Their large ears are like open fans. 那儿的人们像个大家庭。 People there are like a big family.

26 W: Hi, Millie. How was your trip to the zoo? M: Not bad. There are lots of in the zoo. W: Are there any pandas? M: Yes. Pandas are. Every year, lots of come to see them. W: Are there any lions? M: Yes, but they’re. We can’t go near them. W: There are also birds, aren’t there? M: Yes. I like to hear birds. There are monkeys too. W: I like monkeys. They’re clever and. M: Yes, they are. And there are also tall. Their long necks help them eat the from trees. visitorscute animals dangerous sing funny giraffes leaves

27 11.How was your trip to the zoo? the trip to ---- 到 ---- 的旅行 类似结构: the way to ---- 去 ---- 的路 the visit to---- 到 ----- 的参观 the journey to ----- 到 ----- 的旅行 How ------ 征求别人的意见 这个动物园怎么样? How is the zoo? What do you think of the zoo? How do you like/ find the zoo?

28 12. There are also birds, aren’t there? 反意疑问句: 陈述句 + 反意疑问部分 反意疑问部分:把前面陈述句改成一般疑问句,取简略部分 原则: 前肯后否,前否后肯 若主语为名词,要换成相应的人称代词主格 Eddie likes sleeping, doesn’t he? My dad seldom does housework, does he?

29 Here is South Gate. Go ____________, and you’ll find the Panda House. Walk ________ the road, to the ______ of the Panda House, you’ll find the lions. ________ left, and to the _______ of the Lions 'Area, _________ find the World of Birds. _______ the north of the World of Birds is the Monkeys ‘ Forest. Then turn _________, and to the east of Monkeys’ Forest, you’ll see the ___________. ______________ of the giraffes there is a bridge. _____________ the bridge, and you’ll see the ___________. straight along north Turn west you’ll To right giraffes North-east Cross elephants

30 1._________________( 一直走 ),___________________( 你会 找到 ) the post office. 2.Every day, lots of visitors _____________________________( 来这里看熊猫 ) 。 3. The birds always ______________________( 发出悦耳的 声音 ) in the World of Birds. 4. Pandas like ________________________( 整天躺着 ), and the monkeys always ________________( 上蹿下跳 ). 5. ____________( 紧挨着 ) the World of Birds is __________________( 狮子区 ). Go straight on Next to Come here to see the pandas make beautiful sounds to lie down all day long the Lions' Area and you’ll find jump around

31 1. People use ( 竹子 ) to build houses. 2. It’s quite ( 危险的 ) for you to go through a ( 森林 ) alone( 单独地 ). 3. ---Does Lisa tell you anything ( 好笑的 ) in the letter? ---Of course. 4. His English is q perfect. 5. When you are at a and ready to the road, you should be careful. (cross) 6. Hello, ( 每人,各位 ). Welcome to our school. 7. Tom, go ( 径直地 ) home after school. Don’t play on your way. bamboo dangerous forest funny uite crossingcross everyone straight

32 1. 直走,直到来到一家商店为止。 until you come to a shop. 2. 他常坐在竹椅上。 He often sits on his. 3. 不要成天把窗户关着。 Don’t keep the window closed. 4. 在交通灯处向左拐,你会找到医院的。 at the traffic lights, and you will find the hospital. 5. 熊猫喜欢吃竹子,整天躺着。 Pandas like to eat and. Walk straight on bamboo chair all day long Turn left bamboo lie down all day long

33 6. 记住狮子是危险的。 that lions are. 7. 向左拐,你将会找到这家商店。, and you the shop. 8. 猴子聪明有趣。它们四处乱跳,使人们大笑。 Monkeys are clever and. They jump around and. 9. 它们的长脖子帮助它们吃到树上的叶子。 Their long help them. 10. 过桥,你将会看到大象。, and you’ll see the elephants. 11. 一直往前走,你会发现熊猫馆。, and you’ll find the Panda House. Remember dangerous Turn left will find funny make people laugh neckseat leaves from the trees Cross the bridge Walk straight on

34 8. Lions are the ( 国王 ) of the animal world. 9. Listen! Can you hear the ( 声音 )? 10. We all know that ( 长颈鹿 ) has long ( 脖子 ). 11. He likes putting a ( 树叶 ) in a book. 12. There are fallen ( 树叶 ) on the ground when autumn comes. 13. The old stone ( 桥 ) is very famous in our town. 14. The garden is ( 东北方 ) of the house. 15. Walk ( 沿着,顺着 ) the ( 路,道路 ). king sound giraffe neck leaf leaves bridge north-east longroad

35 1. Cross the road carefully, ___you'll keep youself safe. A: so B: or C: but D: and 2. 直走,直到来到一家商店为止。 ___ ________ ___until you come to a shop. 3. People use ______( 竹子 ) to build houses. 4. 他常坐在竹椅上。 He often sits on his ___________. D Go straighton bamboo chair bamboo

36 5. 不要成天把窗户关着。 Don't keep the window closed ________. 6. Remember ____ off the lights when you leave the classroom. A: turn B: to turn C: turning D: turing 7. It's quite _________( 危险 )for a child to stay alone at home. all day long B dangerous

37 8. It is impolite to ______those persons in trouble. A: laugh to B: laugh with C: laugh of D: laugh at 9. When you are at a ___________ and ready to _______ the road, you should be careful. (cross) 1o. –Remember ____to my daughter’s dance show next Friday. – Of course I will. I’ll never forget ____ her dance for the first time last year. A: to come; to see B: coming; to see C: to come; seeing D: coming; seeing D crossing cross C

38 11: It is impolite to ______ those persons in trouble. A: laugh to B: laugh with C: laugh of D: laugh at D

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