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Be Rational! Which number below is irrational? A.) 3 √8 B.) 3 √125 C.) √49 D.) √52.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Rational! Which number below is irrational? A.) 3 √8 B.) 3 √125 C.) √49 D.) √52."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Rational! Which number below is irrational? A.) 3 √8 B.) 3 √125 C.) √49 D.) √52

2 Extreme Exponents and Radical Radicals What is the value of (2 -3 )(4 2 )(2 -1 )? Write your answer in standard form. You must show your work to receive credit.

3 What is (5 x 10 4 ) ÷ (2 x 10 3 ) written in scientific notation? You must show your work to receive credit. Scientific Notation

4 What is the slope of the line? You must show your work to receive credit. Slippery Slope

5 Solve for x. 2(4 + 3x) + 6 = 32 You must show your work to receive credit. Balance those Equations

6 Seth has three more than twice as many baseball cards as Aaron. Together they have 33 cards. How many cards does Seth have? You must show work to receive credit! Two Variable Problems

7 Write an equivalent expression in scientific notation. (4 x 10 6 )(1.3) You must show your work to receive credit. Funky Functions

8 What scale factor was used for the dilation from Figure X to Figure X’? Modeling Relationships

9 Write a fraction that is equivalent to 7 5 · 7 -8. You must show your work to receive credit. Graph This!

10 The endpoints of a line segment are located at A(0, 0) and B(0, 2). The line will be translated two unit up. What will be the new coordinates of the endpoints of the line segment? Transforming Transformations

11 Lines m and n are parallel. Line s is perpendicular to line m. What is the measure of angle x? You must show your work to receive credit. Geometry Gems

12 Abby draws a rectangle with a length of 78 inches and a width of 39 inches. She draws a diagonal line from one corner to the other. Approximately how long is the diagonal line. Hint: Yes, you can leave your answer with the square root sign. You must show your work to receive credit. Pythagorean Theorem

13 What is the approximate volume of a spherical ball with a diameter of 16 inches? You must show your work to receive credit. Formula, Formula, Formula

14 What is (4 2 · 4 3 ) ÷ 4 8 ? You must show your work to receive credit. Scatterbrained

15 What scale factor was used to produce M’N’O’P’? Data, Data, Data

16 BONUS Solve and graph. 2x – (3x + 4) < 19 You must show your work to receive credit.

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