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Horizontal Natural Gas Fracking Nicki Neu CBE 555 – Fall 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Horizontal Natural Gas Fracking Nicki Neu CBE 555 – Fall 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horizontal Natural Gas Fracking Nicki Neu CBE 555 – Fall 2012

2 Overview  What is Gas Fracking?  Environmental Concerns  How Can We Use Natural Gas?  Politics and Regulations  Our Role As Engineers

3 What is Gas Fracking?  ure=related ure=related

4 Environmental Concerns  Well Water Contamination  Methane migration  Cement casing  Waste Water Disposal  3-6 million gallons of water per well  ½% volume toxic chemicals  15,000 gallons of toxic chemicals per well  Spills during removal

5 How Can We Use Natural Gas?  Previously as a heating source  Ongoing debates on ability to replace petroleum  Government grants  Supply drives innovation

6 Act 13  Applies to “unconventional wells”  Well Control Emergency Plan  Well Assessment Fee  Variance allowed for regulations  Additional protective measures taken Table 1. Well Fee Assessment (per well, based on annual average price per MMBtu in previous calendar year)

7 Act 13: Environmental Regulations  Pre Drilling  Well water testing  Frack fluid disclosure  Technical compliance  Mitigation planning  Drilling  Well site and local containment  Post Drilling  Testing requirements  Permits required  Water Management Plan

8 Act 13: Reasonable Development and Local Ordnances  “No conditions more stringent than those imposed on industrial uses or other land development in the zoning district, including those for height, screening, fencing, lighting and noise.”  “Oil and gas operations are a permitted use in all districts, except that a municipality can prohibit or require a conditional use in residential districts if:  The well cannot be placed at least 500 feet from an existing building; or  The edge of the well pad cannot be placed at least 300 feet from an existing building.”

9 Politics vs. Propaganda?  Where do we draw the line?  Industry funded studies – perception?  Media portrayal – difference between good and bad studies?  Shale Work for US – government funded effort to “sell” Ohioans on gas fracking

10 Conclusion: Our Role as Engineers  Relatively new technology  Regulations – harmful or helpful in development?  Overcoming personal bias – hot topic issue  Personal Views

11 Questions?

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