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Legal Drugs and their Effects

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1 Legal Drugs and their Effects
Drugs that can be obtained from grocery stores or pharmacies

2 Tobacco Several forms ALL forms contain nicotine Cigarettes Cigars
Snuff Pipes Chewing Tobacco ALL forms contain nicotine

3 Effects Effects the blood vessels and causes the heart and lungs to work harder to get oxygen Nicotine is a poison that may cause lightheadedness and nausea Tar collects in the lungs and causes a dark sludge Nicotine is addictive and prolonged use can lead to cancer

4 Alcohol 70% of the US population uses alcohol on a regular basis
The most widely used and abused drug in our country A Poison to the body

5 Alcohol causes: Reduced attention span Slow motor skills
Blurred vision Reduced body temperature Decreased sexual performance Violent Behavior

6 Alcoholics Crave alcohol High tolerance Drink to excess
Physical addiction that causes withdrawl

7 Caffeine A mild, legal stimulant found in or added to many foods and drinks Americans consume about 5,000 tons of caffeine a year It increases heart rate and makes you feel alert

8 Effects of Caffeine Sleeplessness Restlessness Irritability
Panic attacks Linked to birth defects Caffeine can be addictive and withdrawals include temporary depression, headaches and irritability

9 Prescription Drugs Medications that are obtained through the written prescription of a licensed physician Can be addictive but most physicians are careful not to overmedicate patients Congress has passed the Controlled Substance Act that classifies drugs by how safe they are Can be fatal if mixed with other drugs or taken without a doctor’s approval


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