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13-3 Climate Change Page 339. Picture it…….. Have you ever sat in a car…….. ……….on a hot day……. …… todaaaaayyyyy….. 8{ Windows are up, heat is trapped….

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Presentation on theme: "13-3 Climate Change Page 339. Picture it…….. Have you ever sat in a car…….. ……….on a hot day……. …… todaaaaayyyyy….. 8{ Windows are up, heat is trapped…."— Presentation transcript:

1 13-3 Climate Change Page 339

2 Picture it…….. Have you ever sat in a car…….. ……….on a hot day……. …… todaaaaayyyyy….. 8{ Windows are up, heat is trapped…. And you feel like you are suffocating??????

3 This guy has!

4 A. The Greenhouse Effect 1. Solar radiation (suns rays) enter atmosphere as high-energy light.

5 A. The Greenhouse Effect 2. Some of the suns warm energy is absorbed and re-radiated to the earth, while some escapes to space.

6 A. The Greenhouse Effect 3. The rest of the energy is absorbed by gases in the troposphere causing a greenhouse effect.

7 A. The Greenhouse Effect 4. Greenhouse gases absorb and radiate infrared radiation from the sun.

8 A. The Greenhouse Effect 5. Major greenhouse gases include water vapor and carbon dioxide (the highest amount) and methane and nitrous oxide.

9 Brainstorm Think about the greenhouse gases. How are we negatively impacting the greenhouse effect?


11 B. Carbon Dioxide Levels 1. Plants photosynthesize in the summer, which causes less CO 2 in the atmosphere.

12 B. Carbon Dioxide Levels 2. During winter, plants die off and there is more CO 2 in the atmosphere.

13 B. Carbon Dioxide Levels 3. CO 2 levels have increased 20% in less than 50 years.

14 B. Carbon Dioxide Levels 4. By analyzing ice cores, scientists show that CO 2 levels are the highest they have been for the last 420, 000 years!

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16 C. Global Climate Change 1. Global warming is the gradual increase of the average temperature of the earths surface.

17 C. Global Climate Change 2. The rise in temperature is correlated to the rise in greenhouse gases.

18 Matching! A. Carbon Dioxide, CO2 B. Methane, CH4 C. Nitrous Oxide, N2O D. Water Vapor, H2O 1. Evaporation, plant transpiration 2. Animal Waste, Livestock, Sewage, etc. 3. Burning of Fossil Fuels and deforestation 4. Burning of Fossil Fuels, biomass burning, and deforestation

19 D. Consequences of a Warmer Earth 1. Rising sea levels – Warm water expands – Ice glaciers are melting – Higher chance of floods

20 D. Consequences of a Warmer Earth 2. Global Weather Patterns – Oceans absorb more heat, increasing intensity of typhoons and hurricanes

21 D. Consequences of a Warmer Earth 3. Human Related Problems – Heat stroke cases increase – Mosquitoes, vector for disease, move to warmer areas

22 E. Recent Findings 1. Global temperature has increased 0.74° C, higher at northern latitudes

23 E. Recent Findings 2. Sea level continues to rise.

24 E. Recent Findings 3. Greenhouse gases are increasing due to human activity.

25 E. Recent Findings 4. 1990s: Kyoto Protocol was a global treaty designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

26 E. Recent Findings 5. Many countries have ratifies the treaty; except for countries most responsible, including the U.S.

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