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Differentiating learning in the Literacy classroom.

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1 Differentiating learning in the Literacy classroom

2 Key issues addressed by the study  This study explored: ─the ways in which teachers differentiated literacy learning for pupils of different abilities ─methods for personalising learning

3 Ways to differentiate learning  The study used various ways of differentiating learning, including ─introducing tiered activities and varying group sizes ─personalising literacy learning ─highlighting and representing texts ─using journal entries

4 Tiered activities and group sizes  The researchers created a comfortable environment for differentiated tasks through ─tiered activities - working towards the same understanding but pitched at different levels of complexity ─varying group sizes to ensure that those most in need of extra help were in smaller groups

5 Personalising literacy learning  Activities to help personalise literacy learning included: ─providing a menu of activities to allow pupils to continue with new activities without further instruction ─‘echo reading’ led by a skilled reader to allow learners to gain confidence in reading aloud

6 Highlighting texts  Activities for highlighting and representing texts included ─writing a ‘top ten list’ of favourite foods, animals or friends in order to describe and categorise words ─using drawings to represent literacy concepts

7 Using journal entries  Children developed literacy skills by writing journal entries in a table format  This involved ─ writing a meaningful quote or element of the story in the first column ─ explaining their thoughts on this in a second column ─ gaining feedback from a teacher or classmate in a third column

8 How differentiation worked  Differentiation created choices for pupils by ─building a framework of activities for pupils to complete before, during and after reading –highlighting the value of differentiation in teacher professional development

9 Who were the children in the study?  10 classes of mixed-year classrooms (Years 3 and 4) in a Canadian school district  10 teachers of mixed-grade classrooms

10 How was the information gathered?  Researchers held two 3-hour workshops which included the following elements: ─ observational field notes describing anything relevant to a teacher’s understanding of differentiation ─video recordings of each classroom, which teachers commented on ─three 45-minute visits to each classroom, two of which were followed by semi-structured interviews

11 How might teachers use this evidence?  The study highlighted the importance of varying the size of groups to support differentiation  Could you experiment with groups of different sizes to support different learning needs in your lessons?  You might like to consult your learners on their preferred group size and reasons for this

12 How might school leaders use this evidence?  The study showed that the kinds of differentiation a teacher provides can depend on their available resources and personality  Could you offer more professional development for teachers to enhance and improve differentiation methods?  You might like to encourage teachers who are good at differentiation to share advice with colleagues

13 Follow-up reading  Study reference: Differentiating learning in the literacy classroom. Tobin, R. & McInnes, A., (2009) Literacy, 42 (1), pp.3-9. [Original title: Accommodating differences: variations in differentiated literacy instruction in Grade 2/3 classrooms]  Summary available at: fferentiating/ fferentiating/ fferentiating/

14 Feedback  Did you find this useful?  What did you like?  What didn’t you like? Any feedback on this Research Bite would be much appreciated. Please email your feedback to:

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