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Third TETRA World Congress A Report on ‘TETRA Release 2’ Brian Oliver Chairman, ETSI Project TETRA.

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2 Third TETRA World Congress A Report on ‘TETRA Release 2’ Brian Oliver Chairman, ETSI Project TETRA

3 Third TETRA World Congress Agenda Current TETRA – ‘Release 1’ Capturing User requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ Terms of Reference ETSI Project TETRA New structure of ETSI Project TETRA Summary - standardisation status Future?

4 Third TETRA World Congress The Unique TETRA Domain Non-shared (PMR) Economical solution designed to meet a user organisation’s own distinct and specialised mobile communications needs Shared (PAMR Operator) Traditional Mobile Network Operator, licensed to provide “out- sourced” communications for a wide variety of mobile radio users TETRA Market PAMR Public Safety Other DefenceUtilityTransportation Industrial Markets Served by TETRA

5 Third TETRA World Congress TETRA was developed to address the unique integrated requirements of PMR and PAMRTETRA was developed to address the unique integrated requirements of PMR and PAMR –Group and Broadcast Calls –Emergency Calls –Fast Access (<300msec) –Direct Mode Operation –Dispatch Operation –National Agency Encryption –Concurrent Voice + Data –Integrated Telephony –Scalable Infrastructure –“Three” Distinct Services provided on “One” Integrated Scalable Infrastructure Mobile Radio (Group, Individual, Priority, Emergency, Priority, Emergency,DMO) Mobile Data (Status Massaging,SDS, Packet Mode, Circuit Mode) MobileTelephony (Full Duplex Voice) TETRA ‘Release 1’

6 Third TETRA World Congress So….. serves the Unique PMR/PAMR Domain is a Commercial Success is another ETSI Standard gaining World-Wide acceptance has Multi-Vendor support TETRA ‘Release 1’ already:

7 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ New features in support of PMR market driven requirements:New features in support of PMR market driven requirements: -Increased Data Rate

8 Third TETRA World Congress Increased Data Rate Objectives –evolution of TETRA to provide high speed packet data –aim is approx 10 x speed of current TETRA Timings and deliverables –initial study to identify preferred solution –ETSI Standard (ES) by end of Q3 2001 –subsequent phases may be required

9 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ New features in support of PMR market driven requirements:New features in support of PMR market driven requirements: -Increased Data Rate - Interworking and Roaming between TETRA and UMTS/3G

10 Third TETRA World Congress Interworking and roaming Objectives –improved Interworking and roaming with other networks –GSM, GPRS, UMTS in particular Timings and deliverables –ES by end of Q1 2002 –subsequent phases may be required –close cooperation with other groups e.g. 3GPP

11 Third TETRA World Congress Speech coding Objectives –selection and standardisation of additional speech codec(s) for TETRA –interworking with other 3G networks –enhanced voice quality –likely impacts in other areas (e.g. air interface protocols) Timings and deliverables –initial study to select preferred codec(s) –ES by end of Q3 2001

12 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ New features in support of PMR market driven requirements:New features in support of PMR market driven requirements: -Increased Data Rate - Interworking and Roaming between TETRA and UMTS/3G -Evolution of TETRA SIM towards USIM

13 Third TETRA World Congress SIM evolution Objectives –further evolution of TETRA SIM –convergence with USIM –meet needs for TETRA-specific services –interworking and roaming with other networks Timings and deliverables –continuation of existing WG7 work –split common aspects and TETRA-specific (Q1 2001) –work closely with EP SCP –ES by end of Q2 2002

14 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ Further Increases in Network EfficiencyFurther Increases in Network Efficiency –Air Interface optimisation for increased spectrum efficiency –Increased capacity and performance –Increased quality and grade of service –Network techniques to further improve terminal size, weight and battery life

15 Third TETRA World Congress Air Interface Optimization Objectives –further enhancements of TETRA air interface –improved performance Timings and deliverables –initial feasibility study of options (~6 months) –Technical Report for feasibility study, followed by a possible number of ES –standardisation likely to be phased –complete by end of Q3 2003

16 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ Further Increases in Network EfficiencyFurther Increases in Network Efficiency –Air Interface optimisation for increased spectrum efficiency –Increased capacity and performance –Increased quality and grade of service –Network techniques to further improve terminal size, weight and battery life Range Extension (e.g. 120-200 km)Range Extension (e.g. 120-200 km)

17 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ Further Increases in Network EfficiencyFurther Increases in Network Efficiency –Air Interface optimisation for increased spectrum efficiency –Increased capacity and performance –Increased quality and grade of service –Network techniques to further improve terminal size, weight and battery life Range Extension (120-200 km)Range Extension (120-200 km) Full backwards compatibility with current TETRAFull backwards compatibility with current TETRA

18 Third TETRA World Congress User Requirements for TETRA ‘Release 2’ Further Increases in Network EfficiencyFurther Increases in Network Efficiency –Air Interface optimisation for increased spectrum efficiency –Increased capacity and performance –Increased quality and grade of service –Network techniques to further improve terminal size, weight and battery life Range Extension (120-200 km)Range Extension (120-200 km) Full backwards compatibility with current TETRAFull backwards compatibility with current TETRA Operation within existing frequency bands assigned for TETRAOperation within existing frequency bands assigned for TETRA

19 Third TETRA World Congress Summary of TETRA ‘Release 2’ Deliverables TRTR –Initial Feasibility Study covering new Air Interface requirements ESES –Higher Speed Packet Data; –New Codec (or Codecs) –U-SIM requirements for TETRA –Interworking and Roaming with ‘3G’ –Air interface enhancements ENEN –Possible Harmonised Standards for Release 2 Other DeliverablesOther Deliverables –As identified by User/Market requirements for new features/facilities

20 Third TETRA World Congress Additions to Terms of Reference for ETSI Project TETRA High speed packet data Additional speech codec(s) Enhancement of TETRA air interface Interworking and roaming with other networks Evolution of TETRA SIM towards USIM Extension of operating range of TETRA Support for further requirements (e.g. location information) Backward compatibility

21 Third TETRA World Congress New Organisation ETSI Project TETRA

22 Third TETRA World Congress So…. Enhance the TETRA Standard Satisfy Evolving Market Requirements Complement the ‘3G’ Domain Strengthen TETRA’s Global Influence TETRA ‘Release 2’ will:

23 Third TETRA World Congress TETRA Standardisation - status Current TETRA standardisation work (‘Release 1’) almost complete Revised Terms of Reference for EP TETRA (‘Release 2’) –approved at ETSI Board meeting #28 - September Outline work programme for TETRA ‘Release 2’ –agreed at EPTETRA meeting #13 - October Technical work starting to get underway –drafting of Terms of Reference for Working Groups in new EPTETRA structure –planning of technical work

24 Third TETRA World Congress Consequence of ‘Release 2’ Greater user satisfaction in EU member states leading to increased penetration an utilisation Increased Market Size, Revenues and Globalisation Increased Lifetime Revenues from Longevity of TETRA Technology (users, manufacturers, etc.) Greater participation from Manufacturers and Related industries An ‘e-Europe’ contributor Boosting European Industry competitiveness in a knowledge-based economy Improving the efficiency of the public sector workforce, and hence the safety of citizens

25 Third TETRA World Congress Future The PS and Civil markets follow similar development paths. Central to the market development is the realisation of higher data rates. In the concept of 3G convergence interworking with UMTS is perhaps indicative of true mobile technology convergence being later, at the 4G stage?

26 Third TETRA World Congress Plausible Prediction?

27 Third TETRA World Congress Thank you – and have a safe journey home……….

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