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Progress on Board Priorities Denver Regional Council of Governments February 23, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress on Board Priorities Denver Regional Council of Governments February 23, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress on Board Priorities Denver Regional Council of Governments February 23, 2007

2 2006 Board priorities Transportation Collaboration Transit-oriented development (TOD) Communications

3 Transportation

4 Transportation challenges Bleak funding outlook Waiting pushes problem down, diminishes statewide support Awaiting leadership

5 Transportation opportunities Recommend policies/ positions for financing needs New leadership at the state level Little changes can make a difference

6 Transportation outcomes Ad Hoc Committee on Transportation Finance –Recommendations expected in March

7 Transportation outcomes Transportation/economic development meetings

8 Transportation outcomes Traffic Signal and ITS Program –Over 200 signalized intersections in 18 corridors –Reduced travel delays by nearly 4 million hours –Eliminated over 4 million pounds of air pollutant emissions –Saved over 1.3 million gallons of fuel –More accurate real time travel information available to the public

9 Transportation outcomes DRCOG RideArrangers Program –Over 35,000 people participated or used services carpool, vanpool, schoolpool, Bike to Work Day, telework, RideSmart Thursdays –Reduced vehicle miles traveled by nearly 30 million –Eliminated over 500,000 pounds of air pollutant emissions

10 Collaboration

11 Collaboration challenges Spread our net further Dr. HOG perception Uncultivated relationships

12 Collaboration opportunities Strengthen our position through strategic partnerships –Common interests and concerns More partners = louder voice

13 Partnerships with business, industry and academia –4 gubernatorial debates –Outreach to economic development organizations –Workshops and seminars Collaboration outcomes

14 Partnerships with business, industry and academia –Educational alliance with Regis University –Telework “toolkit” for businesses –Continued outreach with 9NEWS, Rose Foundation, Colorado Health Foundation and Department of Human Services on Senior Source Project

15 Collaboration outcomes Partnerships with our neighbors –Front Range Transportation Planning –Meetings with Weld County and the North Front Range MPO

16 Collaboration outcomes Partnerships with the state –Outreach to candidates –Collaboration with state agencies on pandemic readiness

17 Collaboration outcomes Partnerships with our member governments –Aging Summit –Tolling Workshop

18 Partnerships with our member governments –Aerial photography project –Training on local government issues Collaboration outcomes

19 Transit-oriented development (TOD)

20 TOD challenges Perception by jurisdictions Limited and untested national examples of success

21 TOD opportunities Do what we do best –Data development, assessment, dissemination Provide the best available information for decision- makers

22 TOD outcomes Sponsoring workshops, forums, lunch talks and academies Partnership with Urban Land Institute

23 TOD outcomes Defining TOD “success” Upgrading land use model to better characterize TOD and economic activity around station areas

24 Communications

25 Communications challenges Complex, convoluted, disparate messaging Lots of responsibilities, all having merit

26 Communications opportunities Strengthen our position, image and message by, in fact, “Speaking With One Voice” Renowned for expertise in certain areas Complements other 3 priorities

27 Communications outcomes Merged Public Information & Communications with Policy & Legislative Services Expanded Web site

28 Communications outcomes New communications plan Two new positions focused on outreach in key program areas Key message training for Board and staff S M A R T ustainability odel dvocacy egionalism ransportation

29 Other key program areas

30 Transportation Conducted FasTracks annual review Prepared and adopted Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Conducted RideSmart Thursdays campaign – 173% increase in persons pledging to use alternative modes of transportation

31 Aging Allocated $8 million in state and federal funding for senior services –Delivered 394,371 meals –Provided 16,420 hours of in-home services –2,454 visits to long-term care facilities Successfully advocated for additional monies –Doubled state funding Developed and adopted new 4-year plan

32 Regional land use planning Developed recommendations for Metro Vision plan refinements Assisted local governments with TOD planning Published reports on strategies for encouraging infill development Provided technical assistance to local governments

33 Member services Hosted 16 different workshops Administered tests to 994 firefighter candidates with 94% pass rate Inspected more than 3,000 elevators and escalators –Developed new computerized inspection system

34 What’s next? Continue efforts underway –part of new day-to-day business Ready to expand or take on new initiatives –2040 update planning –Changing demographics –Natural resource depletion –Land use and transportation –Climate change


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