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Sex Roles in Primate Relatives

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Presentation on theme: "Sex Roles in Primate Relatives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sex Roles in Primate Relatives

2 Common Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes
Live in tropical Africa Have estrus and menstruation monthly Females choose mating partners May form consort relationships briefly during estrus Live in matrifocal groups Mothers nurse for 5 years Mothers and children have lifelong relationships Siblings have lifelong relationships

3 Bonobo Chimpanzees Pan paniscus
Walk upright more Use sexual behaviors to comfort or to resolve conflict Display all types of homosexual and heterosexual behaviors Matrifocal groups Same lifelong mother-child and sibling relationships

4 Bonobo Male Grooming Female

5 Upright, Bipedal Bonobo Carrying Sugar Cane

6 Bonobo Relaxing

7 Bonobo Female Stretching

8 Bonobo Intercourse in Missionary Position

9 Bonobo Intercourse in Missionary Position

10 Bonobo Females “GG Rubbing”

11 Bonobo Males “Rump-Rubbing”

12 Bonobo Female Masturbating

13 Bonobo Male Display

14 Bonobo Baby

15 Bonobo Mom and Baby

16 Bonobo Mom and Baby Playing

17 Bonobo Matrifocal Group

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