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How the Church Should Function. In a study such as this, we need to remind ourselves that we are the church. As we think about how the church should function,

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Presentation on theme: "How the Church Should Function. In a study such as this, we need to remind ourselves that we are the church. As we think about how the church should function,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Church Should Function. In a study such as this, we need to remind ourselves that we are the church. As we think about how the church should function, we are considering how we should work together for the common good.

2 The church locally is a collective that brings us together for the common good. Therefore the attitude of loving and serving one another is paramount (Matt. 20:20-28). Service is a duty (John 13).

3 But it should be an outgrowth of love (Matt. 7:12). The expression of love is the imitation of God (1 John 4:8). To get along we need attitudes of lowliness, meekness, and forbearance (Eph. 4:1-3; Phil. 2:1- 4; Gal. 5:13-15).

4 Contribution of all. The local church is like a body; we the members are the body (1 Cor. 12). Diversity of function (vss. 4-11). Harmony among the different members (vss. 12-20). Appreciation for all (vss. 21-26).

5 The body requires the functions of all its members (Eph. 4:11-16). The gifts of Jesus (4:11). –Apostles. –Prophets. –Evangelists. –Pastors and teachers.

6 The work (vs. 12): For the complete outfitting of the saints, For the work of serving and helping one another, For the work of building up the body of Christ. Therefore the body should want to involve everyone in its functioning.

7 Goal (vss. 13). Till we attain: –Unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, –Unto a full grown man, –Unto the measure of the stature of Christ.

8 Purpose (vss. 14-15). That we may be no longer children. But may grow up in all things in connection with Christ.

9 Total functioning of all the members brings this about. "All the body"; "every joint"; "working in due measure"; "of each several part." If I do not like the way the body functions, I may be a big part of the problem. If I do not feel included, it may be because I am scarcely present; I may be doing nothing.

10 Practical principles. We need to be sure to go all out to make new members feel welcome and a part of the work. As a new member, one must realize that he must make an effort to be regular in attendance. He needs to manifest some desire to be involved.

11 We must work to be dependable. A person who is at one church one week, and another the next, and somewhere else the next is like an arm that is not attached to one certain body. That member can never be counted on.

12 Plans cannot be made to involve you. That's why regular attendance at one place is important. Otherwise no one knows enough about you to keep up with you, and there are times we all need to be kept up with. As someone upon whom the local work depends, it is important to see that contribution is given where you are committed as a member.

13 Let it be known what you will do and that you want to be used. Then do it; be dependable. Develop love for one another (1 Pet. 1:22; Rom. 12:10; Gal. 6:2; John 15:12-14).

14 The church is made up of the people who are its members. It is no better, nor any worse than its members. Its problems and its successes are the problems and successes of its members.

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