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CaBIG ® VCDE Workspace Tactics thru June 14, 2010: How working groups fit together, and other activities Brian Davis April 1, 2010 VCDE WS Teleconference.

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Presentation on theme: "CaBIG ® VCDE Workspace Tactics thru June 14, 2010: How working groups fit together, and other activities Brian Davis April 1, 2010 VCDE WS Teleconference."— Presentation transcript:

1 caBIG ® VCDE Workspace Tactics thru June 14, 2010: How working groups fit together, and other activities Brian Davis April 1, 2010 VCDE WS Teleconference

2 Goals of Multiple Working Groups 1.Contribute to SAIF-ECCF Implementation Guide Explicit descriptions of how Interoperability will work in caBIG according to ECCF (and other aspects of SAIF) Link 2.Contribute to Arch and VCDE WS Operational Planning “XC WS Version 2.0” Processes and Work in XC WS post June 14, 2010

3 Interoperability and XC WS Operations ECCF Impl Guide Strategies Goals Tactics/ Projects SAIF/ ECCF Adopt and Adapt Standards Knowledge Centers (KC) Mentoring XC WS Participants How to interact with Standards Bodies Interop. Reviews XC WS operations (v2.0) CDE reviews Vocab Reviews Analytical Service Specs Data Service Specs Gap Analysis Harmonize Activities Coordination Training Semantic Infra. VKC and Grid KC Iso21090 DTs Sem. Infra. caGrid

4 NCI CBIIT/caBIG Confluence Wiki site NCI CBITT confluence site for caBIG (dashboard):

5 VCDE WS Confluence Wiki site

6 Contributions to ECCF IMPL Guide: “How to achieve caBIG Interoperability” IMPL Guide Link: Description of Groups link: Draft Chapter Titles 1.Introduction and overview 2.Why is CBIIT adoptiong ECCF 3.CBIIT ECCF Artifacts: Content and Representation 4.CBIIT Role-based ECCF Implementation: responsibilities and Deliverables Certification and Meaningful Use 5.CBIIT ECCF Architecture Governance and Project team Contract Implications 6.Best Practices, Lessons Learned and Examples 7.Glossary 8.References

7 Contributions to ECCF IMPL Guide (2) IMPL Guide Link: Description of Groups link: Groups (Not restricted to XC WS, rather applicable across caBIG): Data Service (caBIO) ECCF-style Specification Analytical Service (BioSpecimen) ECCF-style Specification SAIF – Effects on Mentoring SAIF – Effects on Interoperability Reviews SAIF - Effects on CDE Reviews SAIF – Effects on Vocabulary Reviews SAIF – Effects on Workflow

8 Contributions to XC WS Operations “XC WS version 2.0” Pilot Groups link: Standards (of interest to XC WS) Training (XC WS Participants) Coordination of groups (help communication among the many XC WS groups) Gap Analysis (XC WS from Here to There) Fit together new activities (XC WS “There”) Vocabulary KC and Grid KC: Role with XC WS in future.

9 Illustration of issues: Interaction of “Mentoring” and “Interoperability reviews” and “Education and Training” Historically mentoring has meant: Educating (Training) on caBIG compatibility guidelines Educating (Training) on caBIG tools and processes Informal review of artifacts (Design, specs, UML, XMI, CDEs, APIs, etc.) Help loading model (with Dianne Reeves team) Help getting on caGrid Collecting artifacts for Silver Level Compatibility reviews Other questions and answers on caBIG compatibility Formal review (formal results document) for Silver level Compatibility Usually additional mentoring, re-load of UML model into caDSR and re-review was needed

10 Illustration of issues: Interaction of “Mentoring” and “Interoperability reviews” (2) Three different groups are examining much of these aspects: SAIF-effects on Mentoring (concentrating on “Training and Education” needed by caBIG) SAIF-effects on Interoperability reviews (concentrating on Informal review and formal review for certification needed by caBIG) Pilot Training (concentrating on how to efficiently and effectively train XC WS participants on SAIF/ECCF) They will need to coordinate and communicate End result: Answers to these questions: DECONSTRUCT: What are the needs for training, education, mentoring, informal review and formal review (certification) for caBIG? How do XC WS participants learn best about SAIF and ECCF?

11 Other Groups in VCDE WS Requirements Elicitation for Semantic Infrastructure Req. from Community, develop use cases, traceability Denise Warzel Standards bodies Engagement with W3C and CTS2 (Common Terminology Services 2) Reporting and communication of Standard Bodies engagement Representation and advertisement of Vocabularies for Usage caBIG NCRI NCBO Vocabulary Reviews of ICD (International Classification of Disease)

12 Semantic Concept of Operations (Semantic Infrastructure) https://cabig- The caBIG Semantic Infrastructure and its operational model will be extended to provide integrated support for: Initiative 1. Distributed, federated metadata repositories and model repositories and operations.Distributed, federated metadata repositories and model repositories and operations. Initiative 2. Automated generation of metadata from line-of-business artifacts.Automated generation of metadata from line-of-business artifacts. Initiative 3. Rules management and contracts support (behavioral semantics)Rules management and contracts support (behavioral semantics) Initiative 4. Semantics support for W3C service oriented architecture resources.Semantics support for W3C service oriented architecture resources. Initiative 5. HL7 CTS II/ OMG MIF compliant federated terminology services.HL7 CTS II/ OMG MIF compliant federated terminology services. Initiative 6. Controlled biomedical terminology, ontology and metadata content.Controlled biomedical terminology, ontology and metadata content. Initiative 7. Assessment of semantic unification of compositional and derivational modelsAssessment of semantic unification of compositional and derivational models

13 caGrid caGrid KC: https://cabig- ehttps://cabig- e caGrid Wiki: caGrid Portal: http://cagrid-

14 Process Updates to VCDE WS on VCDE WS Teleconferences thru June 14. Also: Wiki Sites available now: read and provide feedback (on wiki) Presentations at upcoming XC WS F2F (June 2-4 th, 2010) Opportunity for feedback to groups for final revisions to whitepapers and recommendations Final Research, Whitepapers, and Recommendations due no later than June 14, 2010. Provide to XC WS Leadership and caBIG leadership for decisions.

15 Interoperability and XC WS Operations ECCF Impl Guide Strategies Goals Tactics/ Projects SAIF/ ECCF Adopt and Adapt Standards Knowledge Centers (KC) Mentoring XC WS Participants How to interact with Standards Bodies Interop. Reviews XC WS operations (v2.0) CDE reviews Vocab Reviews Analytical Service Specs Data Service Specs Gap Analysis Harmonize Activities Coordination Training Semantic Infra. VKC and Grid KC Iso21090 DTs Sem. Infra. caGrid

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