Details! Teams that played in the 2008 KGNZ tournament: $270

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1 Details! Teams that played in the 2008 KGNZ tournament: $270
KGNZ was established to broadcast the gospel - good news - mostly by music - into homes, cars and businesses - anywhere, anytime people need to be taught, prayed for and encouraged. ... to encourage unity and cooperation among all members of the Body of Christ ... to be a positive, wholesome and godly influence in our community. KGNZ also partners with local ministries to spread awareness of various needs around the Big Country. Details! Diamondback Golf Club, Abilene, Tx. Friday, September 18, 2009 8:30am Shotgun (1:30pm second shotgun if needed) Format: 4-person scramble Registration fees: $300 per team Teams that played in the 2008 KGNZ tournament: $270 Tournament Director: David Mertes Recently, our ministry was impacted by an IRS debt unexpectedly because of the dishonesty of a previous employee. Our listeners and ministry partners immediately came on board in efforts to abolish this debt. The KGNZ Annual Golf Tournament was established as the result of these efforts. KGNZ is proud to offer partnership opportunities to local businesses in this unique way. By becoming a sponsor of the 2009 KGNZ Annual Golf Tournament, your business will be given valuable visibility in and around the tournament, utilizing the best in various media such as print, radio and television. I look forward to working together with your business on this our 2nd Annual KGNZ Golf Tournament! David W. Mertes Tournament Director

2 Benefits of Sponsoring
Sponsorship Commitment Benefits of Sponsoring As always, everyday awareness on KGNZ programming. Businesses will be promoted during live spots advertising the golf tournament in addition to airtime included in some sponsorship packages. This year’s tournament will be promoted by multiple media outlets. We are targeting print, outdoor media, television and internet advertising partners. Sponsors will be given highly visible advertising during the tournament. Some sponsorship levels will also offer a “booth” at the registration area to showcase their products and services. Business Name________________________ Contact Person_______________________ Phone#______________________ Sponsorship Level________________________ Offer Finalized By:__________________________ Date_________________________

3 Sponsorship Packages for 2009
Title Sponsorship Cost of sponsorship: $45 per golfer entering tournament. (Min. donation of $5,000 or Max. donation of $10,000 depending on number of registrations received) Sponsor will receive: Monday thru Friday, month prior to tournament: Six 30-second spots per day during morning drive programming (7a.m.-10a.m.) and two 30-second spots in afternoon drive programming (5p.m. to 6p.m.), plus sixty 30 second spots at random times (Total Value: $4,200) Live on-air interview with Gary Hill one month prior to tournament. Business name and logo prominently included in all web, print and pre-recorded television and radio spots promoting the tournament Business name and logo in first position on multiple sponsor banners and on all tournament flyers/packets First position booth at registration area for company awareness (may promote goods and services) Recognition during tournament at all gatherings, and business representative present at podium during awards ceremony. Free registration for two teams of 4 players Premium Tournament Apparel for 8 golfers Event Sponsorship Cost of sponsorship: $2,500 Sponsor will receive: Monday thru Friday, month prior to tournament: Four 30-second spots per day during morning drive programming (7a.m.-10a.m.) and two 30-second spots in afternoon drive programming (5p.m. to 6p.m.) (Total Value: $2,700) Business name and logo included in all web, print and pre-recorded television and radio spots promoting the tournament Business name and logo in second position on multiple sponsor banners and on all tournament flyers/packets Second position booth at registration are for company awareness (may promote goods and services) Recognition during tournament at all gatherings, and business representative present at podium during awards ceremony. Free registration for two teams of 4 golfers. Premium Tournament Apparel for 8 golfers

4 Sponsorship Packages for 2009
Ace Sponsor Sponsor Receives: One tee box and one green sponsorship Business name and logo included on all tournament flyers and pre-tournament radio and television spots Business name and logo on main tournament banner Business recognized at pre-round directions and awards ceremony Booth at registration area on day of event Free registration for 4 golfers Tournament Apparel for 4 golfers (60) thirty-second spots one month prior to tournament at prime time-slots ($720 Value) Cost: $1,000 Eagle Sponsor Sponsor Receives: One tee box sponsorship Business name and logo included on all tournament flyers and pre-tournament radio and television spots Free registration for 4 golfers (40) thirty-second spots one month prior to tournament in peak time slots Tournament Apparel for 4 golfers Cost: $750 Birdie Sponsor Sponsor Receives: One Green sponsorship Business name and logo included on all tournament flyers (25) thirty-second spots one month prior to tournament in random time slots Cost: $500 Par Sponsorship Sponsor receives: Business name listed on all tournament flyers Businesses sponsoring at this level will be included with 9 other sponsors in a radio promo that will air approximately 30 times at random intervals. All businesses sponsoring at this level will be named on a banner at the driving range expressing our appreciation Cost: $200

5 Sponsorship Packages for 2009
Other Sponsorship Opportunities: Driving Range Sponsor: $300 (Banner at Driving Range and signs at all practice areas) Cart Sponsor: $100 (Business logo attached to cart) Pavilion Sponsor: $300 (Signs with business logo at two entrances to pavilion where sponsor booths, registration and refreshments will be located Contest Sponsor: Coordinate through Tournament Director or Sponsorship Coordinator Apparel Sponsor: Purchase or provide approximately 30 monogrammed polo shirts, plus t-shirts and hats for each registered player Catering/Food Sponsor: Provide food or the funding for food to feed approximately 300 people breakfast & lunch. Private Individual or Anonymous Sponsorships available. Please coordinate through Tournament Director. For prize donations, please consult Sponsorship Coordinator or Tournament Director

6 Hole in One Sponsorship
Sponsorship involves either purchasing Hole in One contest insurance or donating the cost of insurance. If purchasing insurance: must insure all 4 par-3 holes. Each hole must have a prize, with one hole providing a premium prize, such as a vehicle or cash (over the value of $30,000) If donating cost, insurance estimate will be obtained by sponsorship coordinator. Advertising will be allocated according to cost of insurance, whether purchased or donated. Minimum advertising will consist of twenty :30 spots to air the month prior to tournament, prominent mention of company at podium during pre-round announcements, company logo at all par 3 holes in addition to the hole in one signs.

7 2009 KGNZ Golf Tournament Registration
Please fill out form completely for each golfer on team. Registration fees are due no later than September 1, Please mail completed registration to KGNZ, Attn: Golf Tournament, 542 Butternut, Abilene, Tx or to Team Name_______________________________________ Team Name______________________________________ Player Name______________________________________ Player Name______________________________________ Phone # _________________________________________ Phone # _________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Tee Preference (am/pm)_____________________________ Tee Preference (am/pm)_____________________________ Shirt Size_________________________________________ Shirt Size_________________________________________ Team Name_______________________________________ Team Name______________________________________ Player Name______________________________________ Player Name______________________________________ Phone # _________________________________________ Phone # _________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Tee Preference (am/pm)_____________________________ Tee Preference (am/pm)_____________________________ Shirt Size_________________________________________ Shirt Size_________________________________________

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