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Northern Rock Foundation Training and Development.

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1 Northern Rock Foundation Training and Development

2 Setting up an organisational development programme “More infrastructure is needed to support capacity building in philanthropy – to educate funders, nonprofits and communities; to replicate proven strategies; to promote good practices; and to enhance the relationship of capacity building to the overall goals of philanthropy.” Strengthening Nonprofits, Foundation Initiatives for Nonprofits Organisations. Thomas E. Backer in Building Capacity in Nonprofit Organisations, the Urban Institute, April 2001

3 More than a grant maker Visit and Learn Learning and Support Mentoring Trouble shooting Training courses Loans

4 Capacity Building 2003 - 2006 Managed by Project North East (£1.8 million over three years) Managing –people –volunteers –money –finances –projects –resources –governance –time –self

5 Project North East 2003-06 Grant of £1.8 million over three years 142 courses 1,788 participants 349 National Vocational Qualifications £1,467,750 in-kind support £649,603 levered in from other funders Localised training went region wide Greater sharing of good practice

6 Database User friendly programme Training courses across the North East Every college, university and training provider contributed Thousands of hits each month

7 Training and Development Initiative 2007 To provide a training and development programme for the voluntary and community sector trustees and personnel working in the region

8 Training 2007 Building Capacity in Voluntary Organisations (BCVO) Emerging managers Turning managers into leaders Procurement and Full Cost Recovery The Leadership Foundation Training specifically for arts groups and cultural leadership Training and support for BME groups

9 Northern Rock Foundation Training Course Criteria Small to medium organisations Must complete application form Commitment to attend the entire course 1 member of staff and 1 Trustee must attend each session Small returnable deposit required Must complete evaluation form fully Must come back in 6 months time to report on progress

10 The Leadership Foundation ‘Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership is not a formula or a programme, it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. It is an attitude not a routine.’ Lance Secretan, Professor of Entrepreneurship

11 The Leadership Foundation Executive Coaching Expert speakers Peer Learning Group Work Networking

12 Capacity Building for Black Minority Ethnic, Asylum Seekers and Refugee Recruitment of a project manager Recruitment of four community development workers Hand-holding Capacity building Supporting growth Mainstreaming into the Third Sector

13 Tools for Programme Managers to use for grant applicants Directory of consultants The Learning Team Circuit Riders Training courses Guides to support organisations e.g. media and employment

14 What would success look like? Voluntary and community seen as equal partners Higher attendance at seminars that influence policy and practice More requests for published papers Approaches to specific issues, e.g. procurement, being discussed across all sectors Confident lobbying for change and better relationships with policy makers and purchasers

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