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Year 5 Class Spain (room 16)– Mrs Downes Class Nepal (room 15) – Mr Higginson Both classes supported by Mrs Bone and assisted by Mr Davies (in-school trainee.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Class Spain (room 16)– Mrs Downes Class Nepal (room 15) – Mr Higginson Both classes supported by Mrs Bone and assisted by Mr Davies (in-school trainee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Class Spain (room 16)– Mrs Downes Class Nepal (room 15) – Mr Higginson Both classes supported by Mrs Bone and assisted by Mr Davies (in-school trainee teacher)

2 Structure of the day Springboard (9.00 – 9.40) includes guided reading English (9.40 – 10.40) Break (10.40 -10.55) Class book (10.55 – 11.15) Maths (11.15 – 12.15) Afternoons – assembly, topic, PE, etc (Tuesday afternoon – Enrichment)

3 Topic Themes Term123456 Year 5 topicWhere in the World? The Mayan Civilisation Earth in Space Viking Invasion! Chocolate Fireguards? Circle of Life Mainly topic based Some discreet subjects

4 Uniform School uniform details are on the website Ear-rings – only small studs – no hoops or dangling rings If a child is unable to wear a correct part of the uniform (e.g. shoes left at a friend’s house) – please just send in a note to let us know why.

5 P.E. Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Kits Outdoor - Trainers, tracksuit bottoms, long sleeve top over t-shirt in house colours Indoor – shorts, t-shirt in house colours Ear-rings – for 6 weeks after having ears pierced, children can tape their ear-rings but need to bring their own tape. After 6 weeks ear-rings must be removed. Forgotten kits

6 Homework Termly ‘learning’ homework – points go towards house cup. Spellings (aim for 3x per week before testing on Fridays) Times tables (these are a priority – if your child struggles, daily practice is vital) Reading – 3x per week – new reading records will be issued shortly

7 Reading Children will read to teacher every week as part of guided reading (Springboard) Changing reading books Reading at home Children’s reading record

8 Maths Groups Multiplication tables – bronze, silver, gold and platinum awards Strategies on the school website

9 Spellings Children will be in spelling groups. The spellings will involve a spelling rule or pattern or be vocabulary to help with other learning, e.g. topic or maths words. Look, say, cover, write, check will be encouraged. The children will have a chance to practise these in class. On each Friday we will have a spelling test.

10 Expectations Organisation - bringing things in on time – homework, reading records, reading books, PE kit. Resilience – have a go, don’t give up when the going gets tough! Teamwork – children will need to work in groups with many different children. Taking responsibility for their own learning – they are the ones who can make a difference!

11 Fruit and water Water bottles Fruit rota is on the class notice board.

12 Camp Friday 20th May 2016 Meeting: Thursday 21st April 2016

13 Communication If there are any issues that we need to know about, please do come and see us. After school is preferable If it is really urgent, please try to find us before 8.40am

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