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200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts.

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Presentation on theme: "200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100pts Profile Currents, Waves & Tides Characteristics Salinity/ Water Cycle Misc.

2 Where would you be in the ocean if you were exploring a coral reef? A. the abyss B. the continental shelf C. the open ocean

3 B. The continental shelf

4 Name the parts of the ocean floor that are labeled in the picture that is provided

5 The continental shelf The continental slope The continental rise

6 Name the parts of the ocean

7 Continental shelf Open ocean Abyss

8 You are aboard the ship the “Mimi”. You look overboard and you see a Blue Whale. Where are you?

9 In the open ocean

10 What are 3 differences between the open ocean and the continental shelf?

11 1. Open ocean is bigger 2. The shelf has more plants and animals 3. The open ocean has bigger animals 4.The open ocean is deeper

12 What causes waves?

13 Wind’s energy

14 What causes tides?

15 The gravitational pull of the moon

16 What causes surface currents? What causes deep water currents?

17 Surface currents are caused by: the wind and earth’s rotation Deep water currents are caused by: temperature and salinity changes

18 Where can tides be seen and why?

19 At the shore because the land is not moving so you can see the water move in and out.

20 A life jacket was dropped in the middle of the ocean. Two months later is was found washed up on shore. How?

21 The surface currents washed it close to the shore and the breakers washed it up on the land.

22 Why does the majority of all sea life live on the continental shelf?

23 Lots of light, plants, and little pressure

24 If you wanted to see the greatest variety of see life, at which letter on the diagram would you dive? What part of the ocean is this?

25 A. The continental shelf

26 What three things decrease the deeper you go in the ocean?

27 1. Temperature 2. Light 3. Sea life

28 Why can scuba divers only explore certain parts of the ocean?

29 There is too much pressure if they go too deep

30 What is the ocean floor like?

31 It has mountains, valleys, and plains just like our continents. It has light places and dark places too.

32 What does salinity mean?

33 How much salt is in something

34 What part of the water cycle adds salt to the ocean?

35 Run off

36 What part of the water cycle causes parts of the ocean to be more salty than others?

37 Evaporation

38 If you lived in a 10 story apartment building and you wanted the greatest water pressure for your shower, which floor would you live on: the top or the bottom?

39 The bottom

40 Why is ocean water more dense than fresh water? What does that allow you to do in an ocean that you cannot do in a lake?

41 It has salt in it making the particles closer together. You can float higher in salt water.

42 What do phytoplankton produce?

43 5o% of the world’s oxygen

44 How do scientists know what the ocean floor looks like?

45 They use sonar

46 What chemicals run off from farms into the ocean?

47 Fertilizers and pesticides

48 How can polluting the ocean affect people?

49 If the fish get sick and then we eat them, then we can get sick. If the plankton die, then ½ of our oxygen is gone.

50 Why do big cities develop along the coasts?

51 People use ships to carry and receive products from all over the world.

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