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CSE Waitlist Made By: Peng Hu, Zhicheng Lin, Mark Mosby, Robert Pittman, and Derek Robati.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Waitlist Made By: Peng Hu, Zhicheng Lin, Mark Mosby, Robert Pittman, and Derek Robati."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Waitlist Made By: Peng Hu, Zhicheng Lin, Mark Mosby, Robert Pittman, and Derek Robati

2 Requirements Meetings with the clients Briana Morrison Ray Walker Keep basic outlook Authentication/Security Accounts Admin Functionality Page Flow Reports

3 Design Requirements XAMPP o Development LAMP stack PHP 5.3.6 o Drupal 7.x requires 5.2.5 or higher MySQL 5.5.10 o Drupal 7x requires 5.0.15 or higher Admin backend

4 Frameworks Symphony MVC, ORM, admin interface, terrible documentation CodeIgnitor MVC, lightweight CakePHP MVC Wordpress CMS, Supportive Community Drupal CMS, PAC (presentation abstraction control)

5 Drupal An extensible CMS written in PHP! PAC architecture. Offered a Admin Interface. Modules to install and extend Drupal's usability. Provides security out of the box o XSS o SQL Injections Active friendly community.

6 Users Authenticated Users: o Faculty  view submissions o Coordinators  view/edit submissions o Admin  view/edit/delete submissions  activate/block/delete accounts Unauthenticated Users o submit waitlist requests

7 Page Flow Student Side: waitlist rules waitlist webform waitlist confirmation page Faculty Side: waitlist rules login page homepage waitlist table individual submission

8 Implementation

9 Installed Drupal 7.x Setup a MySQL database through PHPMyAdmin. Configured Drupal to use the database with proper permissions. Configured Drupal 'users' and 'rolls'.

10 Version Control git, distributed version control Set up a remote repository. All members produced ssh keys and provided the repo with their public key. Members made commits and learned to push and pull (and merge) them to a repo.

11 Drupal Modules Webform Module: Automatically creates a table in the database for each form Creates a confirmation page Allows for confirmation emails Front-page Module: Allows for individual pages to be set as the homepage for different users Theme Module: Allows themes to be applied to individual pages Customs themes made for different users Captcha Module: Applies a captcha validation to specified pages

12 Implementing the Modules Front Page Module: Waitlist rules page for unauthenticated users logged-in homepage set for authenticated users Theme Module: Separate theme for each student page Modded theme for authenticated users Webform Module: Provides a form for students to enter data. Redirects upon submission to a confirmation page. Provides administrative views to interact with the data. Extensive customization

13 JavaScript/CSS CSS: standard.css used to standardize the whole site form.css applied to the webform to improve aesthetic appeal JavaScript: Validation function for the rules page jQuery functions

14 Testing

15 Test Schedule Functional Test Performance Test Security Test User Acceptance Test

16 Functional Test Requirement Specification o Functions that will be tested:  Submit waitlist request  Access the waitlist system  Login Page  View/edit/delete submissions  Activate/block/delete accounts  Request report printing  Error Message Documentation Test o Check the accuracy o No missing features o Easy to understand

17 Performance Test Testing with ab (Appache Benchmark) Improve performance:  Page Cache  Simplify the page’s design

18 Security Test How secure the waitlist system is o Captcha:  Applies a captcha validation to specified pages o Login Security:  Delay failed login, block user IP after x number of logins, alert users about last login User permissions o Verify unauthorized user access to confidential data is prevented

19 User Acceptance Test Confirm that the system is developed according to the specified user requirements. Ready for operational use.

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