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The Relationship between Research and Training Ian Diamond ESRC RCUK/HEA Conference 25.11.06.

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Presentation on theme: "The Relationship between Research and Training Ian Diamond ESRC RCUK/HEA Conference 25.11.06."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Relationship between Research and Training Ian Diamond ESRC RCUK/HEA Conference 25.11.06

2 Challenges for the UK: Preparing our researchers, securing our economic future

3 Basic Premises All teaching should be informed by research Involving research in teaching can excite and inspire students Involving research in teaching can offer an opportunity to raise awareness of careers in research All researchers should teach

4 All teaching should be informed by research Students should expect teaching that reflects the state of the art

5 Involving research in teaching can excite and inspire students Whole course or inculcated throughout the curriculum –We need both!

6 Examples of good practice Whole Course –Undergraduate seminar series in population (Ni Bhrolchain, Southampton) – note assessment, attendance –Thinking Psychologically (Remington et al, Southampton) – note year Fully integrated –Statistics for Subject x

7 Involving research in teaching can offer an opportunity to raise awareness of careers in research Major needs for increases in numbers of best students seeing research as an attractive career

8 ESRC Demographic Review 2005 Used Administrative (HESA) and Survey Data to assess future trends (and needs) in the social science workforce.

9 Social Sciences and Sciences Compared: (iv) Age

10 Social Sciences and Sciences Compared: (i) Gender

11 Disciplines Compared: Age


13 Disciplines Compared: Gender

14 Social Sciences and Sciences Compared: (ii) Grade

15 Disciplines compared: Employment Status

16 Summary There exist many challenges in renewing and retaining the social science workforce In some disciplines these are very similar to (some of) the natural sciences In other disciplines these are very similar to (some of) the natural sciences!

17 What can be done? Raising awareness through teaching –Undergraduate experience of research should act as a turn on to research – not just academic research eg local authorities, other government Contact with researchers – see teaching

18 Vacation bursaries Giving students a more realistic experience of a research position and research employment Helping students make informed career choices – positively or negatively Creating an excitement around research careers in the student body – need to raise prestige of vacation bursaries Motivating research staff with renewed enthusiasm about research careers

19 All researchers should teach Professors should profess –ESRC Professorial Fellows Scheme –Market will expect Researchers should be involved in a little teaching –Inspire students –Relate to students –Career opportunity –Quality Assurance

20 Some Issues Reward and Recognition Time to develop – RCUK Academic Fellowships

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