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1 WS2 Malta Workpackage 3 Sea-bed substrate Leader: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Team: Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "1 WS2 Malta Workpackage 3 Sea-bed substrate Leader: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Team: Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WS2 Malta Workpackage 3 Sea-bed substrate Leader: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Team: Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen Contact: EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

2 WP 3 Sea-bed substrate Objectives: Sea-bed substrate information/map with confidence assessment –Scale 1:250,000 –Full-coverage map, 1 M The rate of accumulation and sedimentation on the sea floor –Accumulation during 2nd year CEFAS, Case study : Maps of seabed substrate from acoustic and ground-truthing data 2EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

3 WP3 Sea-bed substrate General : WP3 has followed the principles set up during the first phase (ur-EMODnet) Guidelines that each partner has implemented by the due date: 1.Index map with an attribute table 2.Harmonising/Translation into shared classification system Collation into a transboundary map / GTK –1st draft distributed in June 2014 Confidence / BGS system 3EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen 1. Index map (Data sourcing) 2. Harmonisation 3. Generalization 4. Combination 5. Confidence analysis (BGS) Seabed substrate map 250 000

4 WP 3 Sea-bed substrate General issues and agreements Format. The data requirement is ESRI shape file (polygon features). Scale of 1: 250 000 wherever possible. –The smallest cartographic unit is 0.3 km 2 (MESH) Coordinate system. The georeferenced data is provided in the WGS84 geographical coordinate system (Lat/Lon). Coastline was adopted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on a scale of 1:100 000 –Expected to be the standard coastline adopted by all of the EMODnet projects. –Some adjustments regarding the coastline of the some islands have been made. 4EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

5 5 > 50 org. > 400 different map types. The sea-bed surface substrate data on a scale of 1: 250 000 Mainly available from the coastal areas and the Atlantic Ocean The light blue areas (EU scale data) refer to broad scale data (ur-EMODnet & the EMODnet Seabed habitats lot). WP3 INDEX

6 6EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen Multitude of sediment classification systems Marine geological surveys according to national standards and national classification schemes. These national classifications have now been harmonised into a shared EMODnet schema. WP3 Harmonisation, background

7 7EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

8 WP3 Harmonisation, shared scheme 8EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen It was agreed to follow the Folk sediment classification to include all 15 substrate classes and also data on rock & boulders if possible. A hierarchy of Folk classifications was created with 16, 7 and 5 classes. All classes can be united into the 5 classes. (The cut-off between “Mud to muddy sand” and Sand has been changed from 4:1 to 9:1 since ur-EMODnet)

9 WP3 Harmonisation, process The "national" sea-bed surface substrate data that was not originally in the Folk classification system has been reclassified –Partners have harmonised their data Substrate material from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column –Sometimes only a rough estimate Reclassification process, analysis of the surface material –A vast archive of surface samples –An expert-based prediction –The most detailed Folk classification (16-7-5 Folk classes) as possible An attribute table that contains information related to the reclassification 9EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

10 WP3 Generalization Data at 1:250 000 scale –Substrate data on a broader scale not included The coverage of the broad scale data is visualized (Folk code = 8) –Detailed maps have been generalised WP3 has followed the cartographic principles established in the MESH project (Foster-Smith, R. & al., 2007) and tested in the ur-EMODnet (Stevenson et al. 2011, 2012). the smallest cartographic unit (polygon is about 0.3 km 2 ). 10EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

11 WP3 Collation GTK has combined all available spatial datasets The first seabed substrate map for the European Seas on a scale of 1:250 000 –“Data in progress” included in the visualization –The coverage of the broad scale data is visualized (Folk code = 8) –Some border conflicts have been corrected –Will be updated during the project The EMODnet Sea-bed substrate data is distributed to the project partners as well as to EMODnet Seabed habitats lot on 19 th June 2014. The data is not available for the general public yet 11EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

12 12EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

13 13EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

14 14EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

15 WP3 Possible coverage improvements Better coverage needed 1 M sea-bed surface substrate datasets: –The Mediterranean Sea & the Black Sea, by EMODnet Seabed habitats lot, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, HCMR –The ur-EMODnet data –Barents Sea, White Sea /VSEGEI 15EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

16 1 M Sea-bed substrates of Europe 5 Folk classes GTK will combine the existing 1 M datasets (urEMODnet, Mediterranean) –Early 2015 Partners will verify and update their sea-bed substrate data –Spring 2015 16EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

17 WP3 Confidence Rhys Cooper/BGS 17EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

18 WP 3 Sea-bed substrate Sedimentation rates Information on accumulation/ sedimentation rates for recent sediments will be compiled and presented as point-source information Estimations of accumulation rates (cm/year), based on e.g. the 137Cs and 210Pb dating If the data density allows the data can be presented as contoured maps Project partners will deliver info on sedimentation rates available in their national waters including their EEZs. GTK will combine the information 18EMODnet-Geology 2 kick-off Meeting Lissabon 21.-22.1.2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

19 WP3 Sedimentation/Accumulation GTK will send guidelines by 15.12.2014 Data to GTK 30.4.2015 Ready by Autumn workshop 2015 We will collect Sedimentation rates as points ESRI shapefile, attribute table Sedimentation areas? –Sedimentation areas as contoured maps (Application) –Will be discussed after we have analysed the point density 19EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

20 WP3 Features The FOLK classification doesn’t include information on the surface “features” e.g.: –Till and hard clay areas (some data collected already) –Fe-Mn concretion fields –Moving mud, moving sand –Seagrass such as Posidonia –Shell areas –Heterogeneity/Patchy seafloors A list of important features by Summer 2015 Definitions Autumn 2015 Feature layer 2016 20EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

21 WP3 Case study by Cefas, Markus Diesing Aim is to model substrate and other terrain derivatives (e.g. morphology and seabed dynamics) from acoustic data layers to derive biologically relevant (and EUNIS compatible) datasets Work in progress 21EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

22 EMODnet 2, WP3 Timetable Updates of the substrate data –2-4 times/year, Next in December 2014 1 M data –Combined data to partners early 2015 –Verification summer 2015 Accumulation –Guidelines to partners 15.12.2014 –Data to GTK 30.4.2015 –Ready by Autumn workshop 2015 22EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

23 EMODnet 2, WP3 Timetable Features –List summer 2015 –Definitions (workshop?), Autumn 2015 –Features 2016 Confidence –Rhys Cooper/BGS Case study –Markus Diesing/CEFAS 23EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen

24 WP3 Scale/Coverage in sea areas 24EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen Marine strategy framework directive (MSFD) boundaries

25 WP3 Scale/Coverage in the European seas 25EMODnet-Geology 2 Meeting Malta 2014 Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen Sea area Data coverage in cumulative % No data % Sea vs. Total area % < 1:50 000 <1:100 000 < 1:250 000 <1:500 000 <1:1 000 000 Arctic Sea 05557228 16 Baltic Sea* 41133641000 3 Bay of Biscay & Iberia 11314364258 7 Black Sea 117151000 4 Celtic Seas 21 74818218 8 Greater North Sea 497077982 6 Iceland Sea** 00000100 6 Faeroean Seas 00001387 3 Macaronesia 0000199 16 Mediterranean**, Europe 22821991 14 Norwegian Sea 0134 6733 14 Sea of Jan Mayen*** 00000100 3 White Sea 00001000 1 Total area, cum % 2519245842 Total Area, km211830000

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