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Social Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Class


3 What social position are you in?
Family Gender Race Education

4 What difference does birth or achievement make?
Upper upper class Result of birth E.g Kennedy Lower upper class Result of achievement E.g Rock star

5 Do you want intra-generational mobility?
Changes in social position during a person’s lifetime E.g. Oprah Winfrey Largest gains in average income Among highest paid 20%

6 How much income or wealth do you have?
Income = Paycheck or investments Wealth (Net worth) = Assets - Debts Basis of social stratification

7 What is conspicuous consumption?
Buying things to make a statement about your social position Timex vs Rolex Why you bought it is important

8 Do you remember? What determines your social class?
Oprah is an example of what type of mobility? What is income v.s. wealth? What is conspicuous consumption?

9 Does social class affect your attitudes?
High social position More liberal on social issues More conservative on economic issues Low social position Liberal on economic issues Conservative on social issues

10 How are people in the lower class different?
Less safe More stressful Health is worse Live fewer years overall

11 What is poverty? Relative poverty Absolute poverty Working poor
Relative to others around you Found everywhere Absolute poverty Egypt China India Working poor

12 What is the feminization of poverty?
Women make up an increasing share of the poor. Why? Divorce Single parent with children

13 What happened to the American dream?
The American ream: upward social mobility and home ownership Earnings have stalled Multiple job holding is up More jobs with low income ($15,000) Young people staying at home 53% of people are living with parents

14 Do you remember? How does social class effect attitudes?
What is the effects of being in the lower class? What is the difference between relative and absolute poverty? What has caused the feminization of poverty?

15 Rich become richer, the the middle class people are sliding down.


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