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SUAAHARA National Nutrition Review and Update Meeting Grand Hotel July 15 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SUAAHARA National Nutrition Review and Update Meeting Grand Hotel July 15 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUAAHARA National Nutrition Review and Update Meeting Grand Hotel July 15 2012

2 Overview Integrated nutrition initiative Integrated nutrition initiative Working in 20 most vulnerable districts Working in 20 most vulnerable districts Funded by USAID/Nepal Funded by USAID/Nepal Aug 2011- Sept 2016 Aug 2011- Sept 2016

3 6 Impact indicators Stunting: overall indicator of success Wasting Underweight Anemia BMI Anemia Children Women Improve the nutritional status of women and children < 2 years of age

4 Focus Health & Nutrition Behaviors Use of Health & Nutrition Services Production & Consumption of Nutritious Foods Multi- sectoral Network & Coordination

5 MIYCF Agriculture Reproductive health Hygiene Family planning and GESI SBCC M&E

6 IR1. HH Health and Nutrition Behaviors Improved Conduct research √ √ Formative: JHU/CCP with RIDA (final report by August) √ √ Baseline: IFPRI/New Era (final report by October) Conduct training & capacity building district to ward level √ √ Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions MTOT training conducted √ √ Finalization of ENA/EHA manual for village level training √ √ Roll out of village level training for GON health and non-health sectors staff in 8 districts from July 28 th

7 IR1. HH Health and Nutrition Behaviors Improved Intensive Social and Behavior Change Activities Use DHS 2011 + Suaahara’s baseline and formative research to select priority behaviors Preparing for roll-out of Community-Led Total Sanitation to establish open defecation free (ODF) zones with MoPPW Conducted gender training in KTM and will conduct additional training/analyses in the field in collaboration with DDC

8 IR 2. Women and Children Increase their Use of Quality Nutrition and Health Services Support CHD’s health and nutrition programs On-going consultation in the formulation of MIYCF strategies Support to GMP and IMCI activities from year 2 Support FHD’s FP/RH efforts We’re working to develop and implement quality improvement approaches and standards tools at the health facility level We’re preparing curricula on training and capacity building, including messages and IEC materials on HTSP

9 IR 3. Women and their families increase their consumption of diverse and nutritious foods Developing agriculture strategy in nine food insecure districts Emphasis: dietary diversity and ASFs Demonstration farms, homestead gardens, back yard poultry Training on Homestead Food Production (HFP) district to HH level Supply of agriculture inputs Develop harmonized messages and IEC materials to promote production/consumption of nutritious foods with MoAD and MoHP

10 IR 4. Coordination on nutrition between government and other actors is strengthened Support the Nepal Multisectoral Nutrition Plan (MNSP) Held numerous consultative meetings with NPC, MOHP, MoPPW and MOAD counterparts We’re about to do the same at DDC and VDC levels We’re coordinating meetings with UNICEF and World Bank on harmonizing efforts on MIYCF and CMAM Support national level nutrition coordination meetings Actively involved in NuTech core groups related to the formulation of GON on IYCF, IMCI, maternal nutrition SBCC committee at NHEICC Food security and Nutrition Committee with MoAD/ADS

11 Thank you By 2016……….Strong and Smart Families

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