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ErdOS Narseo Vallina-Rodríguez + Jon Crowcroft NETOS Talket - 25th May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "ErdOS Narseo Vallina-Rodríguez + Jon Crowcroft NETOS Talket - 25th May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 ErdOS Narseo Vallina-Rodríguez + Jon Crowcroft NETOS Talket - 25th May 2010

2 1. Motivation WiFi (SO, LS, WI) Bluetooth (SO, EV, WI) GSM/GPRS/3G (LS, WI) Camera (SO) Accelerometer (MO) GPS (LS, MO) CPU STORAGE SOFTWARE ENERGY WI: Wireless Interface SO: Social Sensor LS: Location Sensor MO: Movement Sensor

3 1. Motivation “Energy is still the main limitation in mobile systems”

4 2. Previous energy-aware OS ECOSystem (2002) Quanto (Sensors, 2008) Cinder (Mobile phones, 2009) Problems: -Sampling technique -Energy allocation based on battery capacity/discharging rate or offline measurements (inaccurate) -Mobile resources demand require a totally different approach -> Context matters (i.e. Signal strength) -Apps can access hardware resources simultaneously, an app can drastically shorten the operating battery life.

5 3. Resources demand Experiment: ->25 system and contextual variables -18 Android & 6 Wimo6 users -Goal: Understand how, when and where mobile users interact with their handsets

6 3. Resources demand



9 4. Introducing ErdOS What? -Energy-aware social OS Why? -Efficient resources sharing in mobile environments can save energy + increase handsets usability (i.e. accessing resources that might not be available locally) How? -Social links can bootstrap resources sharing -Context information can help to predict resources’ demand

10 4. Introducing ErdOS ErdOS allocates resources to Activities: -Set of operations whose resources usage can be grouped together: -Social activities -System process -Applications usage -External requests/Remote activities -User actions (e.g. Checking time) Need to act proactively to predict and estimate what resources will be demanded when and where

11 5. Architecture

12 6. Future Work -Implement ErdOS prototype -Forecasting resources -Better understanding of the context importance -Incentive schemes? -Security/Privacy

13 Questions? Thanks! Email:

14 A. EBS paper

15 Factor Analysis for 2 users

16 A. EBS paper


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