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Subject –Verb Agreement

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1 Subject –Verb Agreement
Revision Review

2 What Does Subject-Verb Agreement Mean?
In a sentence, the subject and verb must agree. They must be the same person and number. If a subject is first person, then the verb must also be fist person. For example, would you say I does? Of course not! “I” is first person, but “does” is third person. These do not agree.

3 Agreeing in Number Subjects and verbs must also agree in number. If the subject is singular, then the verb must be also. If the subject is plural, then the verb must also be plural. Singular subjects do not typically end in an “s.” Oddly, singular verbs do end in “s.” e.g. The boy walks down the street. Plural subjects usually end in an “s.” Oddly, plural verbs do not. e.g. The boys walk down the street.

4 Test Yourself – Agreeing in Person and Number
On a separate sheet of paper, write the answer. 1. The boy (don’t, doesn’t) want a popsicle. 2. The girls (swim, swims) in the lake. 3. She (pretend, pretends) to pay attention. 4. The student (play, plays) with her hair. 5. The boys (do, does) their class work.

5 Check Your Answers – Agreement in Person and Number
1. doesn’t 2. swim 3. pretends 4. plays 5. do

6 Making Pronouns Agree Pronouns are harder to agree with verbs than regular nouns. The pronouns that are most difficult are the indefinite and distributive pronouns. To make distributive pronouns agree, always use a singular verb. To make indefinite pronouns agree, memorize which ones take singular verbs, plural verbs, or depend on an object of the preposition.

7 Agreement with Distributive Pronouns
The three distributive pronouns are each, either, and neither. Distributive pronouns always require a singular verb. How do you know if a verb is singular or plural? It is easy. Do a simple test. “I” is singular, so if a verb can go with it, the verb is singular too. “We” is plural. If a verb can go along with “we,” then it is plural.

8 Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns
The following indefinite pronouns are singular. This means they would take “is” or “was” as a verb. It also means that a verb following it may end in an “s.” another, anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, much, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something Ex. Anybody in the class is eligible for the prize. Ex. Everyone works hard.

9 Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns
The following indefinite pronouns are plural. This means they would take “are” or “were” as a verb. They can also be followed by a verb that does NOT end in “s.” both, few, many, several Ex. Both of the boys are tall. Ex. Few participate in the event. Ex. Many of the students were involved in the contest. Ex. Several of the games involve running.

10 Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns
The following indefinite pronouns can be either singular or plural. The appropriate verb matches the object of the preposition that separates the pronoun from the verb. Remember singular verbs are “is,” “was,” or actions that end in “s.” Plural verbs include “are,” “were,” or actions that do not end in “s.” all, any, more, most, none, some Ex. All of the fruit is ripe. Ex. Any of the games seem fun. Ex. More of the material is needed for the project.

11 Test Yourself – Agreement with Pronouns
On a separate piece of paper, record your answers. 1. Many of the apples (is, are) ripe. 2. Both of the books (need, needs) covered. 3. More of the paper (need, needs) completed. 4. Each of the books (is, are) new. 5. Everyone (is, are) welcome in my class.

12 Check Your Answers – Agreement with Pronouns
1. are 2. need 3. needs 4. is 5. is

13 Now that you have completed this review, get a review quiz from your teacher. Take the quiz and return it to her. Then, access your essay on google docs. Look at the comments about subject-verb agreement. Make any corrections on the document. Then, get your rubric from your folder. Take the rubric and computer to your teacher to add points back to your essay score.

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