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Earth’s dominant plants

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1 Earth’s dominant plants
Angiosperms Earth’s dominant plants

2 Angiosperm Characteristics
Vascular Flowering plants Double fertilization Seeds are covered in a fruit Dominant sporophyte generation Xylem – vessel elements Phloem – sieve tube elements

3 2 Largest Classes Eudicots Monocots Roses, sunflowers, maples
Herbaceous or woody Branched veins Flowers – multiples of 4 or 5 Seed – 2 cotyledons Monocots Grasses, corn, palms Mainly herbaceous Parallel veins in leaves Flower parts – multiples of 3 Seed – 1 cotyledon, endosperm

4 Flowers Reproductive part of angiosperms
4 parts: sepals, petals, stamens, carpels Complete vs. Incomplete flowers Perfect vs. Imperfect flowers


6 Reproduction Pollination Double Fertilization Germination Wind Water
Pollinators Double Fertilization Germination

7 What happens in the anther?
Pollen sac contains many microsporocytes Meiosis  4 haploid microspores Each microspore  pollen grain (immature male gametophyte Each pollen grain contains 2 cells: Tube cell Generative cell Anther splits – sheds pollen


9 What happens in the pistil?
Each ovule in ovary contains megasporocyte Meiosis  4 haploid megaspores 3 megaspores disintegrate Remaining megaspore divides  gametophyte (aka embryo sac) Gametophyte contains 7 cells w/ 8 nuclei Egg cell contains 1 nucleus Large center cell contains 2 polar nuclei


11 Double Fertilization Pollen lands on sticky stigma
Tube cell forms pollen tube through style into ovary Generative cell divides  2 sperm cells Double Fertilization 1 sperm fertilizes egg  zygote  embryo 1 sperm fuses with both polar nuclei  3n cell  endosperm

12 Seed and Fruit Formation
Ovule develops into seed Ovary wall enlarges Ripens into fruit Flower parts fall off Fruits: Protect seeds from dessication Aid in dispersal

13 Success of Flowering Plants
Seeds an advantage over spores Cross-pollination – increases variation Animals disperse pollen and fruit farther than wind

14 Adaptability of sporophyte generation
Efficient xylem Vessel elements Broad leaves efficient photosynthesis Abscission Reduces water loss Adaptability of sporophyte generation

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