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1 ) Stamen Height. 2) Corolla Symmetry 3) Term for Stamen Stalk.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ) Stamen Height. 2) Corolla Symmetry 3) Term for Stamen Stalk."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ) Stamen Height

2 2) Corolla Symmetry

3 3) Term for Stamen Stalk

4 4) Ovary Position

5 5) Corolla Shape

6 6) Degree of Carpel Fusion

7 7) Structure that develops into a seed

8 8) Condition in which all stamens are connate

9 9) Ovary Position

10 10) Stamen Position relative to Petals

11 11) Fabaceae Corolla Type with Banner, Wings and Keel

12 12) Corolla Shape with a Ventral Swelling (= “Goiter”)

13 13) Ovary Position

14 14) Stalk of an Ovule

15 15) Corolla Shape

16 16) Perianth Insertion Type

17 17) Part of Stamen in which Pollen is Produced

18 18) Condition in which Flower has One Carpel

19 19) Term for Sympetalous, Zygomorphic Corolla

20 20) Term for All Petals in a Flower

21 21) Tip of a Carpel; Receptive to Pollen

22 22) Shape of Corolla

23 23) Chamber in an ovary

24 24) Stalk of a Flower

25 25) Relative Stamen Height

26 26) Stamens Connate in Multiple Groups

27 27) Plant Life Cycle Stage inside a Pollen Grain

28 28) Leafy Structure Immediately Below Calyx

29 29) Flower Missing at Least One Flower Part

30 MALE FEMALE 30) PLANT which is either Male or Female

31 31) Cell that eventually divides inside pollen tube to form two sperm

32 32) Flower that is Male or Female

33 33) Perianth Insertion

34 34) Flower Tube formed by Adnation of Calyx, Corolla and Androecium

35 35) Ovary Position

36 36) Perianth Insertion Type

37 37) All the Bracts in a Flower

38 38) In female gametophyte, two nuclei that will fuse with a sperm to Control development of endosperm

39 39) Term used when Sepals, Petals are Indistinguishable

40 40) Chamber inside Ovary

41 41) Collectively, the Sepals and Petals in a Flower

42 42) Stamens Adnate to Corolla

43 43) Sexuality of a Plant containing both Male and Female Flowers

44 44) Stamens fused into Two Groups (e.g., “9 + 1”)

45 45) All the Carpels in a Flower

46 46) In female gametophyte, name of the cells that assist pollen tube in reaching egg

47 47) Sex of a Plant with All Perfect Flowers

48 48) Corolla Shape

49 49) In ovary, a female gametophyte inside its megasporangium

50 50) Placentation Type

51 51) Carpel Number in this Gynoecium

52 52) General Term for a Flower Arrangement

53 53) Placentation Type

54 54) Base of Carpel containing Ovule

55 55) All the Stamens in a Flower

56 56) Stalk of a Petal in an Apopetalous Corolla

57 57) Placentation Type

58 58) Term for a Radially Symmetric Corolla

59 59) In a Carpel, the long part below the Stigma through which Pollen Tube travels

60 60) Region where Filament invades Anther

61 61) Relative Position of Anther and Filament

62 62) Placentation Type

63 63) Bilabiate Corolla with a “Hood”

64 64) Partition between chambers in the ovary of a carpel

65 65) Another term for the female gametophyte

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