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Mehdi Mohammadi March 2015 1 Western Michigan University Department of Computer Science CS 6310 - Advanced Data Structure.

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1 Mehdi Mohammadi March 2015 1 Western Michigan University Department of Computer Science CS 6310 - Advanced Data Structure

2  Orthogonal Range Trees  Higher-Dimensional Segment Trees  Other Systems of Building Blocks  Range-Counting and the Semigroup Model  KD-Trees and Related Structures 2

3  Orthogonal Range-Searching problem ◦ Input: a (d-dimensional) box, a set of points ◦ Output: all the points in the set that lies in that box  Applications ◦ Geometric applications ◦ Database Queries  Select Emp from T where 50K<Salary<75K AND age > 50 AND salesAmount > 500K AND 2011<salesYear<2015  A 5-d orthogonal range query ◦ Preprocessing for queries 3

4  General situation ◦ Set of data points p 1, …, p n  P i = (p i1, …, p id ) ◦ d-dimensional query interval [a 1,b 1 [ ×…×[a d,b d [ ◦ Return all points p i contained in that interval:  a 1 ≤p i1 <b 1, …, a d ≤ p id <b d  O(f d (n) + k)  Structure ◦ Build a balanced search tree for the first coordinates of data points  Each node has its Associated Interval: points whose first coordinate falls into that interval  Build recursively a range search tree for the remaining d-1 coordinates on each node 4

5  Query: ◦ find O(log n) nodes correspond to [a 1,b 1 [ ◦ In each of those nodes perform d-1 dimensional range search for [a 2,b 2 [ × … × [a d, b d [ 5

6  Example 2-d ◦ (0,1), (1,5), (2,8), (3,3), (5,0), (6,4), (7,6), (8,7), (9,9) 6 1-d range tree 5 5 1 1 8 8 5 5 8 8 {(2,8)} {(1,5)} {(1,5), (2,8)} {(0,1)} {(0,1), (1,5), (2,8)}

7  Theorem: Orthogonal search trees are static structure supporting d-dimensional range queries in a set of d-dimensional points ◦ Query time  Output sensitive time  O((log n) d + k) if output consists of k points ◦ Building tree time  O(n(log n) d ) ◦ Space requirement  O(n(log n) d-1 ) 7

8  Fractional Cascading ◦ When we make a sequence of searches in different but related sets, we can use the information of search in previous set into the next set.  Algorithm ◦ For each node, sort the Associated Intervals by second coordinate ◦ Link each point on this list to  The same point on the left or right lower neighbor  The point with the next smaller second coordinate if the point is missing on that side  Or the first point on the list if there is no point with smaller coordinate 8

9  Fractional Cascading 9

10  Fractional Cascading Search ◦ We have a search tree for the first coordinate  We have to select the corresponding nodes to the canonical interval decomposition of the first interval query ◦ Attached to each node is a structure for the search in the second coordinate  These structure are linked together for fractional cascading ◦ So that we need to search only in the set associated with the first node  Then reuse that information in all later searches 10

11  Theorem: Orthogonal range trees with fractional cascading are a static data structure that support d-dimensional orthogonal range queries in a set of d- dimensional point (d>1); ◦ Query time  O((log n) d-1 + k) if output consists of k points ◦ Building tree time  O(n(log n) d-1 ) ◦ Space requirement  O(n(log n) d-1 ) 11

12  The inverse problem of orthogonal range searching problem  Input: ◦ A set of n ranges (d-dimensional intervals) ◦ A query point  Output: ◦ All ranges that contain that point  Solvable by generalization over segment tree ◦ It is defined recursively 12

13  Main structure: ◦ A balanced search tree whose keys are the first coordinates of d-dimensional intervals ◦ Each node of that tree contains a d-1 dimensional segment tree. ◦ In this d-1 dimensional segment tree associated with node p, all intervals are stored for which p is part of the canonical interval decomposition of the first dimension. 13

14  Query ◦ Follow the search path of the first coordinate of the query point ◦ In each node perform a (d-1) dimensional query with the remaining coordinates associated with the node.  Theorem: d-dimensional segment tree is a static data structure that lists all d-dimensional intervals containing a given query key, ◦ Build time: O(n(log n) d ) ◦ Space need: O(n(log n) d ) ◦ Query time: O((log n) d + k) if there are k such intervals 14

15  Improvement: S-tree using fractional cascading  Algorithm ◦ Input: rectangles [a i,b i [ × [c i,d i [ for i = 1,…, n  1. create balanced search tree T1 for {a 1,b 1,a 2,b 2,…,a n,b n }  2. attach an empty secondary balanced tree to each node of the first tree  3. for i=1 to n ◦ 3.1 start from T1 root, put it on a stack. ◦ 3.2 Repeat As long as stack is not empty  Take the current node v from the stack  Insert {c i, d i } as keys into the tree T2(v) 15

16  If intervalOf(v) is not in [a i,b i [, check v’s left and right subtrees.  If their intervals have some intersection with [a i,b i [, then put them on the stack.  4. for each i=1,…n ◦ 4.1. for all nodes v that belong to the canonical interval decomposition of [a i,b i [ in T1  Insert rectangle [a i,b i [ × [c i,d i [ into the segment tree T2(v) 16

17  5. for each node v of T1 ◦ Create pointers from each leaf of T2(v) to the corresponding leaves of T2(v->left) and T2(v->right)  6. for each node v of T1 ◦ For each node w of T2(v) create a pointer to the next node above w in T2(v) that has some rectangle associated with it.  Theorem: S-tree is a static data structure that keeps track of a set of n rectangles, and for a given point list all rectangles containing that point ◦ Space: O(n(log n) 2 ) ◦ Query time: O(log n + k); if there are k output intervals 17

18  Canonical interval decomposition ◦ Decompose an interval in a union of a small number of building blocks  To answer a query interval ◦ Decompose the query interval into a union of building blocks ◦ Execute the query on those building blocks. 18

19  Building block query requires ◦ Decompose the queries ◦ Reconstruct the answer from the answer of building blocks ◦ Also, some structure that answers the query for a fixed block ◦ Represent each interval as a union of a small number of blocks  Choice of building blocks tradeoff ◦ Reduce interval query to a small number of blocks needs many building blocks  For each block we have to build a structure to answer queries 19

20  Bentley and Maurer (1980) proposal ◦ Use an r-level structure for system of blocks  Interpreted as writing numbers to the base n (1/r). 20 Intervals of blocks for top level [an (1-1/r), bn (1-1/r) ] 0≤a<b≤n 1/r O(n 2/r ) blocks O(n (j+1)/r ) blocks

21  Using r-level blocking we obtain a structure to perform d-dimensional orthogonal range searching ◦ Query time: O(r d log n + k) ◦ Preprocessing time: O(r d n 1+(2d-2)/r log n) ◦ Query time is output sensitive for large r and n. 21

22  Range counting problem ask just for the number of points in a range ◦ We do not need output sensitive time complexity  Use orthogonal range tree ◦ Instead of concatenating lists, just add up numbers ◦ Generalization by giving weight to points  In 1-dimensional version, just ask for the number of keys in an interval 22 2 3 5 2 2 2 4 9

23  All operations in O(n(log n) d ) for a set of n points  Difference with range searching ◦ Allow to make dynamic structure  Insertion, deletion and rebalance  Range searching has large associated trees for nodes ◦ lower bounds for operations are possible: O((log n) d )  In the semigroup version ◦ a commutative semigroup (S,+) is specified, ◦ each point is assigned a weight from S, ◦ Return semigroup sum of the weights of the keys in an interval  Directly from canonical interval decomposition 23

24  Another structure to support orthogonal range searching ◦ Easy to understand and implement ◦ Unsatisfactory performance  2-dimensional  KD-Tree:O(n 1/2 + k)  Orthogonal range tree: O((log n) 2 + k)  d-dimensional  KD-Tree: O(n 1-1/d + k)  Orthogonal range tree: O((log n) d + k) 24

25  In each node make a comparison to enter the left or right sub-trees ◦ In different levels compare against different coordinates  In the root compare against x  In the second level compare against y, and so on. 25

26  Building KD-Tree 26

27  Building KD-Tree 27

28  KD-Tree range query ◦ Starting in the root, descend into each node whose node interval has an intersection with the query region ◦ Stop branches when an intersection is empty  Time complexity is as large as Ω(√n) ◦ Even in completely balanced tree with distinct keys ◦ This bound cannot be improved 28

29  Theorem: KD-Trees are a static data structure that supports d-dimensional or orthogonal range queries in a set of d-dimensional points ◦ output sensitive time O(n 1-1/d + k) if output consist of k points ◦ Can be built in O(n (log n)) ◦ Need space O(n) 29

30 Thank you for your attention 30

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