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Math Quiz Pentominoes Pentominoes have some very interesting mathematical properties providing an endless array of challenging puzzles.

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2 Math Quiz Pentominoes Pentominoes have some very interesting mathematical properties providing an endless array of challenging puzzles.

3 Pentominoes are shapes that use five square blocks joined edge to edge to form different combinations. There are twelve possible shapes in a set of unique pentominoes, named T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, F, I, L, P, and N. An easy way to remember all the letters in a pentominoes set is to look at the letters in the word, FLIPN, and remember the end of the alphabet, TUVWXYZ. Pentominoes are shapes that use five square blocks joined edge to edge to form different combinations. There are twelve possible shapes in a set of unique pentominoes, named T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, F, I, L, P, and N. An easy way to remember all the letters in a pentominoes set is to look at the letters in the word, FLIPN, and remember the end of the alphabet, TUVWXYZ. Pentominoes are said to have been "invented" by Solomon W. Golomb in 1953 at a talk he gave to the Harvard Mathematics Club. Although he came up with the name, pentominoes have been around since a much earlier time. The first pentomino problem, written by the great English inventor of puzzles, Henry Ernest Dudeny, was published in 1907 in the Canterbury Puzzles. Pentominoes are said to have been "invented" by Solomon W. Golomb in 1953 at a talk he gave to the Harvard Mathematics Club. Although he came up with the name, pentominoes have been around since a much earlier time. The first pentomino problem, written by the great English inventor of puzzles, Henry Ernest Dudeny, was published in 1907 in the Canterbury Puzzles.

4 Which letter is not in the set of unique pentominoes?

5 Nope, try again! Remember the last 7 letters of the alphabet AND 5 other letters and you’ll be “LANDN” the correct One Remember the last 7 letters of the alphabet AND 5 other letters and you’ll be “LANDN” the correct One

6 Correct! The Letter O is not a member of the unique pentominoes set. You have earned the right to try the pentominoe puzzle. pentominoe puzzle

7 You’ve earned the right to Click on a Pentominoes site Congratulations! You’ve earned the right to Click on a Pentominoes site 1. /pentominoes/index2.html /pentominoes/index2.html 2. minoes minoes

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