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The Origin of the State.

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Presentation on theme: "The Origin of the State."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Origin of the State

2 Speculative Theory Historic Theory Ancient Greek Rome Middle Age
Aufklarung Modern

3 Speculative Theory Social Contract Theory Theocratic Theory
Power Theory Patriachal and Matriachal Theory Organic Theory Prescriptive possessionTheory Idelistic theory

Thomas Hobbes John Locke J.J. Rousseau Immanuel Kant

5 Theocratic Theory Agustinus Thomas Aquinas

6 Power Theory Physical Power Economical Power Political Power
Voltaire, Marx, Laski, Duguit, Jellinek, etc.

7 Patriachal and Matriachal Theory
State Tribe Clans Family

8 Organic Theory Moral Organic Theory
State as moral person as consequences of human as moral creature. Psychis Organic Theory The development of state similar to the development of human intellectual Biologic Organic Theory State function similar to human biological function Social Organic Theory Sociology, society as social organism.

9 Prescriptive possessionTheory
State from the power of the King The Power of the king not from god The Power of the King from possession that become “jure constitudinario”.

10 Idelistic Theory Aristoteles: State was created by God
Grotius: The intellectual authority of reason.

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