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Jun Li DHCP Option for Access Network Information draft-lijun-dhc-clf-nass-option-01.

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Presentation on theme: "Jun Li DHCP Option for Access Network Information draft-lijun-dhc-clf-nass-option-01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jun Li DHCP Option for Access Network Information draft-lijun-dhc-clf-nass-option-01

2 RFC3455 defines some Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). P-Access-Network-Info Header is one of these headers. The SIP terminal can use it to carry the access network information. So, we need a DHCP option to provide the access network information. Through this Option, the SIP terminal will know the access network information, and will send the information to Service Control Subsystem via P-Access-Network-Info Header. The Bigger Picture

3 CLF NACF(DHCP Server) NASS Access network1 CLF NACF(DHCP Server) NASS Access network2 Service Control Subsystem CPE CPE provides P-Access-Network-Info to Service control subsystem CPE registered with access network service control subsystem CPE gets access network identifier via DHCP How this all fits together

4 From ETSI TISPAN WG2 The service network will cooperate with multi access network in the TISPSN NGN architect. And the service network entity needs to query some information (for example, the access location information) of the user from the access network entity. But as there are multi access network exist, the service network can ’ t identify which access network attached of this user because the service entity just get the IP address of the user. And the IP address is not enough to locate the access network, especially there are private IP address, mobile IP or nomadize network scenario exists. Now in the TISPAN network, there is some method for user to bring the access network info to service network entity. But the user can ’ t get any information about the attached access network. So the TISPAN WG2 needs the IETF to give a solution to resolve this issue above.

5 Added terminology section on TISPAN Verified TISPAN R1 does not need IPv6 Reworked option to be more generic “ Access Network Information ” Made encoding a sub-option field (easier for implementers) Changes since IETF 63

6 DHCP Option for Access Network Information The format of the access network information option is: Code Len Access network Information Field +------+------+------+------+------+------+--...-+------+ | TBD | N | i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | | iN | +------+------+------+------+------+------+--...-+------+ N = number of octets of Access Network Information

7 The Access Network Information field consists of a sequence of SubOpt/ Length/ Value tuples for each sub-option, encoded in the following manner: Access Network ID (ANID): SubOpt Len Sub-option Value +------+------+------+------+------+------+--...-+------+ | 1 | N | i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | | iN | +------+------+------+------+------+------+--...-+------+ Connectivity Session Location and Repository Function (CLF): SubOpt Len Sub-option Value +------+------+------+------+------+------+--...-+------+ | 2 | N | i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | | iN | +------+------+------+------+------+------+--...-+------+ DHCP Option for Access Network Information

8 Next Steps Who has read the draft? Is there still work to do on the draft? Interest in working on the draft? Do we still need to break out address encoding discussion to a separate document?


10 TISPAN NGN Architecture Background

11 Network Attachment Subsystem (NASS) The Network Attachment Subsystem provides the following functionalities: Dynamic provision of IP address and other user equipment configuration parameters (e.g. using DHCP). User authentication, prior or during the IP address allocation procedure. Authorisation of network access, based on user profile. Access network configuration, based on user profile. Location management. ------ ETSI TISPAN WI20021 Background

12 TISPAN calls for a new DHCP option: The NACF should be able to provide to the CPE a access network identifier. This information uniquely identifies the access network to which the CPE is attached. With this information applications should be able to locate the CLF. Note: The transport of the access identifier depends on extension in existing protocols (e.g. new DHCP option ) ----- ETSI TISPAN WI02021

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