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Our Mission: Our Mission: Our mission is to provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Mission: Our Mission: Our mission is to provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Mission: Our Mission: Our mission is to provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service. Leading Change for Installation Excellence Our Mission: Our Mission: Our mission is to provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service. Leading Change for Installation Excellence Joint Services Relocation Training Conference 06 - 10 May 08 Relocation and Finance

2 Relocation and Finance 2 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Overview Goals Initial Considerations Action Phase Contingency Plans Other Considerations

3 Relocation and Finance 3 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Goals Short Term Medium Term Long Term

4 Relocation and Finance 4 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Initial Considerations Budget/Spending Plan Stop Living Someone Else’s Dream - Create your own Investment Profile - Rule of 72 Borrow From Yourself

5 Relocation and Finance 5 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Action Phase Debt Elimination Strategy Employee Sponsored Plans (TSP) Mutual Funds Stocks Variable Annuities

6 Relocation and Finance 6 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Contingency Plans Emergency Funds Reserve Funds Slush Funds

7 Relocation and Finance 7 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Other Considerations (Moving Overseas) Euro Rate Long Distance Phone Bill Climate Change Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Move-in-Housing Allowance (MIHA) Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

8 Relocation and Finance 8 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Other Considerations Loss of Spouses Income Unaccompanied Assignment Wills/Power of Attorneys Direct Deposit (account access) Update Beneficiaries Aid Society Assistance Additional costs - Home buying/rental - Pets

9 Relocation and Finance 9 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Closing Thoughts Service Members Civil Relief Act 2003 Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA) Negotiate with Your Creditors - Get the terms in writing Visit the Legal Office - Know your rights Consult your FRPM (AFCPE Certified)

10 Relocation and Finance 10 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Questions

11 Relocation and Finance 11 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ Michael A. Wood Community Life Specialist DSN: 314-379-7660 011-49-6202-80-7660

12 Relocation and Finance 12 of 10 060900RMay08 Michael Wood/IMEU-MWD-A/ “Sustain, Support and Defend” Installation Management Command

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