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Tables CSCI 201L Jeffrey Miller, Ph.D. HTTP :// WWW - SCF. USC. EDU /~ CSCI 201 USC CSCI 201L.

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Presentation on theme: "Tables CSCI 201L Jeffrey Miller, Ph.D. HTTP :// WWW - SCF. USC. EDU /~ CSCI 201 USC CSCI 201L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tables CSCI 201L Jeffrey Miller, Ph.D. HTTP :// WWW - SCF. USC. EDU /~ CSCI 201 USC CSCI 201L

2 Outline USC CSCI 201L2/19 ▪T▪Tables ▪P▪Program

3 Tables Overview ▪A table is a component that displays data in rows and columns as a two- dimensional grid ▪If you want a table to scroll, you have to add an instance of a JTable to a JScrollPane since JTables don’t support scrolling directly USC CSCI 201L3/19 Tables

4 Support Models ▪JTable has three supporting models ›Table model is used for storing and processing data ›Column model represents all of the columns in the table ›List-selection model is the same one used by JList for selecting rows, columns, and cells in the table ▪The TableColumn class contains the information about particular columns ▪The JTableHeader class can be used to display the header of a JTable ▪The TableCellEditor interface can be used to create a custom editor for a JTable ▪The TableCellRenderer interface can be used to create a custom renderer for a JTable ›There are default editors and renderers on a JTable, so this is optional USC CSCI 201L4/19 Tables

5 JTable Class USC CSCI 201L5/19 Tables

6 JTable Example 1 import javax.swing.JFrame; 2 import javax.swing.JPanel; 3 import javax.swing.JScrollPane; 4 import javax.swing.JTable; 5 6 public class Test extends JFrame { 7 public Test() { 8 super("Table Example"); 9 10 JPanel jp = new JPanel(); 11 String [] columnNames = {"Tables", "# People"}; 12 Object [][] data = { 13 {"Table 1", 4}, 14 {"Table 5", 6}, 15 {"Table 7", 4}, 16 {"Table 10", 3}, 17 {"Table 12", 4}, 18 {"Table 13", 6} 19 }; 20 JTable tables = new JTable(data, columnNames); 21 JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(tables); 22 jp.add(jsp); 23 add(jp); 24 25 setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 26 setSize(200, 300); 27 setLocationRelativeTo(null); 28 setVisible(true); 29 } 30 31 public static void main(String args[]) { 32 Test t = new Test(); 33 } 34 } USC CSCI 201L6/19 Tables

7 Resizing Columns ▪The autoResizeMode property specifies how columns are resized ›JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS makes resizing one column affect the widths of all the subsequent columns This is the default behavior ›JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF makes resizing one column not affect the widths of the other columns ›JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN makes resizing one column only affect the width of the last column ›JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN makes resizing one column affect the width of the next column ›JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS makes resizing a column affect the widths of all the columns USC CSCI 201L7/19 Tables

8 JTable Properties Example 1 import java.awt.Color; 2 import javax.swing.JFrame; 3 import javax.swing.JPanel; 4 import javax.swing.JScrollPane; 5 import javax.swing.JTable; 6 import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; 7 8 public class Test extends JFrame { 9 public Test() { 10 super("Table Example"); 11 12 JPanel jp = new JPanel(); 13 String [] columnNames = {"Tables", "# People", "Open?", "Color"}; 14 Object [][] data = { 15 {"Table 1", 4, "Yes", "Green"}, 16 {"Table 5", 6, "No", "Red"}, 17 {"Table 7", 4, "No", "Red"}, 18 {"Table 10", 3, "Yes", "Green"}, 19 {"Table 12", 4, "No", "Red"}, 20 {"Table 13", 6, "No", "Red"} 21 }; 22 JTable tables = new JTable(data, columnNames); 23 tables.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); 24 tables.setSelectionForeground(Color.WHITE); 25 tables.setSelectionBackground(Color.RED); 26 tables.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); 27 tables.setGridColor(Color.BLUE); 28 JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(tables); 29 jp.add(jsp); 30 add(jp); 31 32 setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 33 setSize(500, 200); 34 setLocationRelativeTo(null); 35 setVisible(true); 36 } 37 38 public static void main(String args[]) { 39 Test t = new Test(); 40 } 41 } USC CSCI 201L8/19 Tables

9 Table Models ▪JTable delegates data storing and processing to its table data model, implemented as the TableModel interface ›A table model defines the methods for registering table model listeners, manipulating cells, and obtaining row count, column count, column class, and column name ▪The AbstractTableModel class provides a partial implementation of the TableModel interface with the exception of the following methods ›public int getRowCount() ›public int getColumnCount() ›public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) ▪The DefaultTableModel class extends the AbstractTableModel class ›The data stored in the table is in a vector of objects USC CSCI 201L9/19 Tables

10 TableModel API USC CSCI 201L10/19 Tables

11 Table Model Example 1 import java.awt.Color; 2 import javax.swing.*; // should add imports individually 3 4 public class Test extends JFrame { 5 public Test() { 6 super("Table Example"); 7 JPanel jp = new JPanel(); 8 String [] columnNames = {"Tables", "# People", "Open?", "Color"}; 9 Object [][] data = { 10 {"Table 1", 4, "Yes", "Green"}, 11 {"Table 5", 6, "No", "Red"}, 12 {"Table 7", 4, "No", "Red"}, 13 {"Table 10", 3, "Yes", "Green"}, 14 {"Table 12", 4, "No", "Red"}, 15 }; 16 17 DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); 18 tableModel.addColumn("Capacity"); 19 tableModel.addRow(new Object[]{"Table 15", 4, "Yes", "Green", 6}); 20 tableModel.removeRow(1); 21 tableModel.setValueAt(8, 0, 4); 22 JTable tables = new JTable(tableModel); 23 tables.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); 24 tables.setSelectionForeground(Color.WHITE); 25 tables.setSelectionBackground(Color.RED); 26 tables.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); 27 tables.setGridColor(Color.BLUE); 28 JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(tables); 29 jp.add(jsp); 30 add(jp); 31 32 setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 33 setSize(500, 200); 34 setLocationRelativeTo(null); 35 setVisible(true); 36 } 37 38 public static void main(String args[]) { 39 Test t = new Test(); 40 } 41 } USC CSCI 201L11/19 Tables

12 Table Column Model ▪Table column models manage columns in a table ›They can be used to select, add, move, and remove table columns ▪A table column model must implement the TableColumnModel interface ›This defines methods for registering table column model listeners, accessing columns, and manipulating columns ▪DefaultTableColumnModel is a concrete class that implements TableColumnModel and PropertyChangeListener ›The columns are stored in a vector USC CSCI 201L12/19 Tables

13 TableColumnModel API USC CSCI 201L13/19 Tables

14 Table Column Model Example 1 import java.awt.Color; 2 import javax.swing.*; 3 public class Test extends JFrame { 4 public Test() { 5 super("Table Example"); 6 7 JPanel jp = new JPanel(); 8 String [] columnNames = {"Tables", "# People", "Open?", "Color"}; 9 Object [][] data = { 10 {"Table 1", 4, "Yes", "Green"}, 11 {"Table 5", 6, "No", "Red"}, 12 {"Table 7", 4, "No", "Red"}, 13 {"Table 10", 3, "Yes", "Green"}, 14 {"Table 12", 4, "No", "Red"}, 15 }; 16 17 DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); 18 tableModel.addColumn("Capacity"); 19 tableModel.addRow(new Object[]{"Table 15", 4, "Yes", "Green", 6}); 20 tableModel.removeRow(1); 21 tableModel.setValueAt(8, 0, 4); 22 23 JTable tables = new JTable(tableModel); 24 TableColumnModel columnModel = tables.getColumnModel(); 25 columnModel.moveColumn(2, 4); 26 columnModel.removeColumn(columnModel.getColumn(1)); 27 tables.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); 28 tables.setSelectionForeground(Color.WHITE); 29 tables.setSelectionBackground(Color.RED); 30 tables.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); 31 tables.setGridColor(Color.BLUE); 32 JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(tables); 33 jp.add(jsp); 34 add(jp); 35 36 setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 37 setSize(500, 200); 38 setLocationRelativeTo(null); 39 setVisible(true); 40 } 41 42 public static void main(String args[]) { 43 Test t = new Test(); 44 } 45 } USC CSCI 201L14/19 Tables

15 Sorting and Filtering ▪To sort on any column in a JTable, create an instance of TableRowSorter with a table model and set the JTable row sorter ›When the table is displayed, you will be able to sort by clicking on a column head ▪You can also filter rows based on one or more columns by creating a RowFilter with a regular expression ›To enable filtering, you have to associate a filter with a TableRowSorter USC CSCI 201L15/19 Tables

16 Table Row Sorter Example 1 import java.awt.Color; 2 import javax.swing.*; 3 4 public class Test extends JFrame { 5 public Test() { 6 super("Table Example"); 7 8 JPanel jp = new JPanel(); 9 String [] columnNames = {"Tables", "# People", "Open?", "Color"}; 10 Object [][] data = { 11 {"Table 1", 4, "Yes", "Green"}, 12 {"Table 5", 6, "No", "Red"}, 13 {"Table 7", 4, "No", "Red"}, 14 {"Table 10", 3, "Yes", "Green"}, 15 {"Table 12", 4, "No", "Red"}, 16 }; 17 18 DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); 19 JTable tables = new JTable(tableModel); 20 TableRowSorter sorter = new TableRowSorter (tableModel); 21 tables.setRowSorter(sorter); 22 tables.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); 23 tables.setSelectionForeground(Color.WHITE); 24 tables.setSelectionBackground(Color.RED); 25 tables.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); 26 tables.setGridColor(Color.BLUE); 27 JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(tables); 28 jp.add(jsp); 29 add(jp); 30 31 setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 32 setSize(500, 200); 33 setLocationRelativeTo(null); 34 setVisible(true); 35 } 36 37 public static void main(String args[]) { 38 Test t = new Test(); 39 } 40 } USC CSCI 201L16/19 Tables

17 More Table Details ▪Table cells are painted by cell renderers ›By default a cell object’s string representation is displayed ›A custom table model must be used to enable renderers for other types of objects, such as Boolean values (checkboxes) and images ▪JTable does not fire table events, but it inherits MouseEvent, KeyEvent, and ComponentEvent from the JComponent class ›Table events are fired by table models, table column models, and table selection models Table models fire TableModelEvent Table column models fire TableColumnModelEvent Table selection models fire ListSelectionEvent USC CSCI 201L17/19 Tables

18 Outline USC CSCI 201L18/19 ▪T▪Tables ▪P▪Program

19 Program ▪Create the following GUI. USC CSCI 201L19/19 Program

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