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A special presentation for the WMTA By: Marco Morales “MEXICAN IMMIGRATION AMENDMENTS”

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1 A special presentation for the WMTA By: Marco Morales “MEXICAN IMMIGRATION AMENDMENTS”

2 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C. -On January 29 th, 2010, it was published on the Mexican Official Gazette the “New Handbook for Migratory Procedures and Criteria” (NHMN): A.FMT Visa (Tourist) and FMN Visa (Business) applications will be replaced by the new FMM Visa (Multiple Migratory Application). B.Such new handbook reduces requirements and establishes new migratory criteria. The NHMN will be in force next April 30 th, 2010.

3 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C. Main Ideas from this new Handbook 1.It establishes the same criteria for the migratory procedures for all the Immigration Offices. 2.Less requirements for the Migratory Procedures. 3.New Migratory Applications. 4.New Migratory Procedure and the “SETRAM” (Electronic System for Migratory Procedures). Filling up of application through web page (FM3 and FM2 Visas).

4 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C. THE SETRAM Electronic System for Migratory Procedures The SETRAM is an electronic application that allows filing and follow up migratory procedures. Such system will help to: 1.The INAMI will have a national registry of all the migratory procedures filed by foreigners. 2.Filing of procedures for: 1.Foreigners entry to Mexico. 2.Some migratory procedures (Visas renewal, change of activities or migratory status, etc.) 3.Company’s procedures (Obtainment of Company’s registry before the INAMI) 3.Review of status of migratory procedures.

5 A.-) Filling of application through web page for entry permits to Mexico.

6 The system will generate an application number. Such application applies for all kind of entry permits and for all migratory status.

7 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C. B.-)Filling of application for some kind of migratory procedures through the Institute’s web page. This application will apply for: 1.Visa extensions 2.Endorsements 3.Change of Migratory Status 4.Notices of migratory changes 5.Matrimony permits 6.Permits for adoptions


9 3.-) Application for Company’s Procedures. a.Obtainment of Company’s Migratory Registry before the INAMI. b.Cancellation of Company’s Registry. c.Cancellation of Visas from former workers.


11 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C. Once the application if filled out, such application will have to be filed directly before an Immigration Office by the foreigner, along with all the requirements that may apply.


13 There will be three different kind of Migratory Visas: No Immigrant (FM3) Migrant (FM2) Immigrant

14 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C. CONCLUSION 1.The Migratory procedures will begin with the filling of the electronic application (SETRAM) through the INAMI’s web page. 2.A National Migratory registry of procedures. 3.New type of Visas (Card style instead of a booklet). 4.Same requirements for migratory procedures at all the INAMI’s offices.

15 GUTIERREZ, DIAZ, ESPARZA, S.C A special presentation for the WMTA By: Marco Morales

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