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Vitality in Undergraduate Research Programs Claire Peinado Fraczek, PhD University of Washington Bothell March 7, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Vitality in Undergraduate Research Programs Claire Peinado Fraczek, PhD University of Washington Bothell March 7, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitality in Undergraduate Research Programs Claire Peinado Fraczek, PhD University of Washington Bothell March 7, 2014

2 When visiting other institutions, how do I measure the vitality of their undergraduate research programs?

3 Deep Time: Nurturing the Work Across Generations

4 Research in service to... what? An invitation to learning

5 Two Research Models TraditionalTransformative

6 Traditional Research Model Key Features Technical Skills Advising Methodological support Summer intensives Public presentations

7 Measuring Student Engagement Rates and quality of participation: Conference participation Disciplinary diversity Fellowship recipients Utilization of academic supports Transfer engagement Research methods course enrollment Collaborative opportunities

8 Measuring Faculty Engagement Gallery and journal presence Visible incentives and rewards Disciplinary diversity

9 Building an Inquiry Culture The challenges of individualism

10 High Impact Practices (AAC&U, LEAP) Student Engagement (Learning) Undergraduate Research First Year Seminars & Experiences Common Intellectual Experiences Learning Communities Writing- Intensive Courses Collaborative Assignments & Projects Diversity/Global Learning Service- Learning, CBL Internships Capstone Courses & Projects

11 Why invest in a transformative model? Help students develop stories and translations about their research and engagement to broader communities.

12 Transformative Research Model 3 Key Pillars 1.Make it social 2.Integrate curriculum across 4 years 3.Align research with broader community engagement efforts

13 Zemis

14 Intellectual Friendships

15 Waseda University Tokyo, Japan

16 Hirota Zemi Graduation

17 Zemi Implications for Student Learning Academic risk-taking Strong mechanisms of accountability Multi-generational team Collaborative problem-solving Leadership

18 Pillar 2: Curricular Integration Re-orient students to their own learning Orientation: inquiry through learning plans E-portfolios CUSP to Schools coherence

19 Pillar 3: Community Based Learning & Engagement CUSP to Capstone alignment through research Research tracks through existing programs (MATCH) RESEARCH +

20 Vitality... as learning through research and inquiry 1. Exuberant physical strength or mental vigor 2. Capacity for survival or for the continuation of a purposeful or meaningful existence, and 3. Power to live or grow

21 Thank you!

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