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Health InequalitiesTargets: Priorities & Planning Framework NHS relevant targets on Reducing Health Inequalities for PCTs in Priorities and Planning Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Health InequalitiesTargets: Priorities & Planning Framework NHS relevant targets on Reducing Health Inequalities for PCTs in Priorities and Planning Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health InequalitiesTargets: Priorities & Planning Framework NHS relevant targets on Reducing Health Inequalities for PCTs in Priorities and Planning Framework 2003-6 (PPF DH 2002) –The PSA target on life expectancy and infant mortality (Public Service Agreement) in Appendix A –Specific Targets under Reducing Inequalities in Appendix B LDP targets on health inequalities reflect the PPF targets

2 The PSA target (Appendix A of PPF) –By 2010 to reduce inequalities in health outcomes by 10 per cent as measured by infant mortality and life expectancy at birth. (PPF 2002: Priorities & Planning Framework) Underpinned by 2 more detailed objectives: –Infant mortality (deaths in the first year of life) –Starting with children under one year, by 2010 to reduce by at least 10 per cent the gap in mortality between routine and manual groups and the population as a whole. –Expectation of life –Starting with local authorities, by 2010 to reduce by at least 10% the gap between the fifth of areas with the lowest life expectancy at birth and the population as a whole. Health InequalitiesTargets: Priorities & Planning Framework

3 There are some other public health relevant targets in App B of PPF: in areas like Cancer: 4 week quitters via smoking cessation, breast screening in women aged 65-70 The Health Inequalities targets (Appendix B of PPF) Health InequalitiesTargets: Priorities & Planning Framework

4 Inequalities targets: wider determinants of health PCTs required to work in partnership with and agree a single set of local priorities with LAs and other partners to tackle the wider determinants of health Many local authorities have Public Service Agreement targets for reducing inequalities in determinants of health PCTs will lead on tackling inequalities locally, and will be the key link with LSPs, which will increasingly co- ordinate local efforts to address the root causes of ill health

5 Other National Inequalities Targets Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation Targets for Death rates Circulatory disease, Cancer, Accidents, Suicides Accidents serious injuries Other government departments have targets whose fulfilment would reduce health inequalities Dept for Transport: Adult and child accidents Home Office: Crime reduction etc Tackling Health Inequalities: Programme for Action, DH 2003 includes 12 headline indicators No. of primary care professionals per 100000 population Road accident casualties in disadvantaged communities etc –Also reinforces the need for a local basket of inequalities indicators (LBOI) CHI Star Performance ratings for PCTs for 2003/04 have a number of health inequalities targets: Health Equity Audit Death rates from Cancer, CHD etc

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