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CSC264 Modelling and Computation 10. Modelling State Steve Riddle, John Fitzgerald, Maciej Koutny Computing Science Semester 2 2005/06.

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1 CSC264 Modelling and Computation 10. Modelling State Steve Riddle, John Fitzgerald, Maciej Koutny Computing Science Semester 2 2005/06

2 10(2)CSC264 State-Based Modelling Limitations of functional style Persistent state State and Operation definitions Case study: Explosives Store revisited

3 10(3)CSC264 Limitations of functional style So far, the models we have looked at have used a high level of abstraction. Functionality has been largely modelled by explicit functions, e.g. Update: System * Input -> System Update(oldsys, val) == mk_System( … ) Few computing systems are implemented using only pure functions

4 10(4)CSC264 Persistent state More often, “real” systems have variables holding data, which may be modified by operations invoked by a user VDM-SL provides facilities for state-based modelling:  state definition  operations  auxiliary definitions (types, functions)

5 10(5)CSC264 Example: Alarm Clock An alarm clock keeps track of current time and allows user to set an alarm time The alarm could be represented as a record type: Time = nat Clock :: now : Time alarm: Time alarmOn: bool Instead, we will use a state-based model

6 10(6)CSC264 State definition State is defined with the following syntax: state Name of component-name : type … component-name : type inv optional-invariant init initial-state-definition end Definition introduces a new type ( Name ) treated as a record type, with state variables as fields

7 10(7)CSC264 State definition Variables which represent the state of the system are collected into a state definition This represents the persistent data, to be read or modified by operations state Clock of now : Time alarm : Time alarmOn : bool init cl == cl = mk_Clock(0,0,false) end A model has only one state definition Init clause sets initial values for persistent data

8 10(8)CSC264 Operations Procedures which can be invoked by the system’s users – human or other systems – are operations Operations (can) take input and generate output Operations have side effects – can read, and modify, state variables Operations may be implicit or explicit, just as with functions

9 10(9)CSC264 Explicit Operations An explicit operation has signature and body just like an explicit function, but the body need not return a value: e.g. alarm is set to a given time, which must be in the future: SetAlarm: Time ==> () SetAlarm(t) == (alarm :=t ; alarmOn := true) pre t > now Note features:  no return value (in this case)  sequence of assignments to state variables

10 10(10)CSC264 Implicit Operations Explicit operations produce a relatively concrete model Normally in state-based model, begin with implicit operations  better abstraction  not executable e.g. implicit version of SetAlarm operation: SetAlarm(t: Time) ext wr alarm: Time wr alarmOn: bool rd now: Time pre t > now post alarm = t and alarmOn

11 10(11)CSC264 Implicit operations Implicit operations have the following components: header with operation name, names and types of input and any result parameters externals clause lists the state components used by the operation, and whether they are read-only or may be modified by the operation pre-condition recording the conditions assumed to hold when the operation is applied post-condition relates state and result value after the operation is completed, to the initial state and input values. Post-condition must respect restrictions in the externals clause, and define “after” values of all writeable state components

12 10(12)CSC264 Implicit operation syntax OpName(param:type, param:type, …) result:type ext wr/rd state-variable:type wr/rd state-variable:type... wr/rd state-variable:type pre logical-expression post logical-expression Operation definition is a specification for a piece of code with input/output parameters and side effects on state components

13 10(13)CSC264 Alarm clock: modelling time We might also model the passing of time: Implicit operation: Tick() ext wr now: Time post now = now~ + 1 Explicit operation: Tick: () ==> () Tick() == now := now + 1;

14 10(14)CSC264 State-based modelling Development usually proceeds from abstract to concrete  identify state and persistent state variables  define implicit operations in terms of their access to state variables, pre and postconditions  complete definitions of types, functions noting any restrictions to be captured as invariants and preconditions, check internal consistency  transform implicit operations to explicit (and to code) by provably correct steps

15 10(15)CSC264 Case Study: Explosives Store revisited System is part of a controller for a robot that positions explosives in a store. The store is a rectangular building. Positions are represented as coordinates with respect to the origin. The store’s dimensions are represented as maximum x and y coordinates. Objects in the store are rectangular, aligned with the walls of the store. Each object has x and y dimensions. The position of an object is represented as the coordinates of its lower left corner. All objects must fit within the store and there must be no overlap between objects. y x

16 10(16)CSC264 Explosives Store Recall functionality: 1.Return number of objects in a store 2.Suggest a position where an object may be placed in a given store 3.Update the store to record placing of an object in a position 4.Update the store to record removal of all objects at a given set of positions

17 10(17)CSC264 Explosives Store: Pure Functional Model Types: Store :: contents : set of Object xbound : nat ybound : nat inv mk_Store = … Object :: position : Point xlength : nat ylength : nat Point :: x : nat y : nat Function signatures NumObjects: Store -> nat SuggestPos: nat * nat * Store -> Point Place: Object * Store * Point -> Store Remove: Store * set of Point -> Store

18 10(18)CSC264 Explosives Store: State definition The state is defined as: state Store of contents : set of Object xbound : nat ybound : nat inv mk_Store(contents, xbound, ybound) == (forall o in set contents & InBounds(o,xbound,ybound)) and not exists o1,o2 in set contents & o1 <> o2 and Overlap(o1,o2) init s == s = mk_Store({},50,50) end

19 10(19)CSC264 Explosives Store: Operations 1. Return the number of objects in a store  In functional model, we had a function with this signature: NumObjects: Store -> nat  In state based model we define an implicit operation which uses state component contents, returning a natural number result: NumObjects() r: nat ext rd contents : set of Object post r = card contents

20 10(20)CSC264 Place Operation 3. Update the store to record placing of an object in a position. Store is to be modified, therefore read and write access to state component is needed. Place(o: Object, p:Point) ext pre post … wr contents : set of Object rd xbound : nat rd ybound : nat RoomAt(o, contents, xbound, ybound, p)

21 10(21)CSC264 Place Operation: Postcondition After the operation, the store’s contents will be the same as the old contents, but with the new object added. Use “ ~ ” notation to refer to state component before the operation is applied. post let new_o = mk_Object(p,o.xlength, o.ylength) in contents = contents~ union {new_o}

22 10(22)CSC264 Review State-based models are used where we need to represent persistent data and operations with side-effects on state variables Appropriate if model’s purpose is to document design of a software system with global variables Operations are normally recorded implicitly, defining access to state variables (read-only or read-write), post-conditions and pre-conditions

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