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Halloween words Halloween words Quiz Conversation.

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2 Halloween words Halloween words Quiz Conversation

3 monster ghost bat vampire witch pumpkin spidermummy coffin


5 3. It originally lasted...3. It originally lasted... a) one day. b) 3 days. c) a week.a) one day. b) 3 days. c) a week. 3. It originally lasted...3. It originally lasted... a) one day. b) 3 days. c) a week.a) one day. b) 3 days. c) a week. 4. The Christian religion later influenced Halloween with two holidays: a) All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day.a) All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day. b) Samhain and All Souls Day.b) Samhain and All Souls Day. c) Pamona Day and All Saint’s Dayc) Pamona Day and All Saint’s Day 4. The Christian religion later influenced Halloween with two holidays: a) All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day.a) All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day. b) Samhain and All Souls Day.b) Samhain and All Souls Day. c) Pamona Day and All Saint’s Dayc) Pamona Day and All Saint’s Day

6 5. During the last Christian celebration people used to... a) play the games we play in Halloween.a) play the games we play in Halloween. b) parade dressed up as saints, angels and devils. c) protect their houses from evil spirits.c) protect their houses from evil spirits. 5. During the last Christian celebration people used to... a) play the games we play in Halloween.a) play the games we play in Halloween. b) parade dressed up as saints, angels and devils. c) protect their houses from evil spirits.c) protect their houses from evil spirits. 6. Halloween was also influenced by...6. Halloween was also influenced by... a) the Romans b) the Vikingsa) the Romans b) the Vikings c) the Germansc) the Germans 6. Halloween was also influenced by...6. Halloween was also influenced by... a) the Romans b) the Vikingsa) the Romans b) the Vikings c) the Germansc) the Germans

7 7. The ‘trick or treat’ tradition comes from...7. The ‘trick or treat’ tradition comes from... a) people trying to protect their houses from evil spirits with their offerings. b) the belief that giving children a treat would bring blessings to the family. c) people imitating fairies who would go from home to home begging for treats. 7. The ‘trick or treat’ tradition comes from...7. The ‘trick or treat’ tradition comes from... a) people trying to protect their houses from evil spirits with their offerings. b) the belief that giving children a treat would bring blessings to the family. c) people imitating fairies who would go from home to home begging for treats.

8 What was the last one you read/saw? Was it any good? Why? Have you ever been to a Halloween party? What was it like? Are Halloween parties popular in Brazil? What do you think of them? Do you like horror stories/films?

9 Thinkstockphotos Master Publisher and Halloween on the Net

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