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SOUTHERN ECONOMY -economy was totally destroyed -currency worthless -no transportation system -no gov’t authority -loss of slave labor -growth of gov’t.

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Presentation on theme: "SOUTHERN ECONOMY -economy was totally destroyed -currency worthless -no transportation system -no gov’t authority -loss of slave labor -growth of gov’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOUTHERN ECONOMY -economy was totally destroyed -currency worthless -no transportation system -no gov’t authority -loss of slave labor -growth of gov’t to provide public services

2 LANDOWNERS -plantation owners hardest hit Slaves gone Crops destroyed Fortunes lost Homes looted -some radicals thought land should be divided to slaves as payment for slavery -but land was never given to slaves

3 AFTER SLAVERY -many slaves left the plantations * 10 of the largest S cities doubled in size from 1865-1870 -looked for missing – family *600 mile walk -others simply moved to new areas *to start families -most did not have the money to buy any land - 80% of blacks were illiterate, during reconstruction people of all ages sought out to learn!

4 PLANTATIONS RESTORED -many of the poor could not leave -tenant farming person pays a rent to the landowner (does not share crops)- rents tools & land: Landowners charge high price -sharecroppers person gives a portion of the harvest to pay for the land, (Shares crops, lucky to break even, kept the workers dependent on the landowners )

5 PLANTATIONS RESTORED -the absent idea of “40 acres and a mule” - Sherman promised 40 acres and a mule to emancipated AA during the war in GA, SC. - Johnson order land owners could reclaim their land -cotton is no longer king

6 FREEDMAN’S BUREAU -created to help former slaves adjust & poor whites, pushed through Congress by Radical Republicans -provided education and schooling -clothing & food -helped former slaves find work -Set up 40 hospitals, 4,000 schools, 71 Teacher Training centers -was never able to really help most former slaves -land reform was most basic need of former slaves- pg- 379

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