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Fossils and Geologic Time

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Presentation on theme: "Fossils and Geologic Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossils and Geologic Time

2 Early History of Earth Hot interior and surface
Volcanoes released gases Water vapor Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Mot much oxygen First organisms billion years ago

3 Fossils – Clues to the Past
A fossil is evidence of an organism that lived long ago. trace cast petrified imprint mold amber

4 Fossils – Clues to the Past
How do fossils form? Animal or plant covered in mud or sand Minerals seep into the body Pressure turns mud or sand into rock

5 Fossils – Clues to the Past
How do we know how old fossils are? 1. Relative dating – Rock forms in layers Younger layers at top Tells us which fossils are older or younger

6 Fossils – Clues to the Past
How do we know how old fossils are? 2. Radiometric Dating – Rocks have radioactive isotopes – unstable atoms that break down over time We know how long it takes to break down Absolute age

7 Geologic Time Scale A calendar of Earth’s history based on fossils
66 mya--- 245 mya--- 544 mya---

8 Geologic Time Scale Precambrian Until 544 million years ago
66 mya--- 245 mya--- Precambrian Until 544 million years ago Unicellular prokaryotes Multicellular eukaryotes 544 mya---

9 Geologic Time Scale Paleozoic 544 to 245 million years ago
66 mya--- 245 mya--- Paleozoic 544 to 245 million years ago Fish, land plants, amphibians, reptiles Ends with mass extinction 544 mya---

10 Geologic Time Scale Mesozoic 66 mya--- 245 to 66 million years ago
Small mammals, dinosaurs, birds Mass extinction event 66 mya--- 245 mya--- 544 mya---

11 Geologic Time Scale Cenozoic 66 million years ago to today Mammals
66 mya--- 245 mya--- 544 mya---

12 Continental Drift Pangaea 245 million years ago Breaks up 135 million
Moving apart 66 million years ago

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