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Cat Fuller Adur & Ouse catchment co-ordinator Environment Agency 25 April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Cat Fuller Adur & Ouse catchment co-ordinator Environment Agency 25 April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cat Fuller Adur & Ouse catchment co-ordinator Environment Agency 25 April 2012

2 Content Current Pilot catchments Steps so far for the Adur and Ouse Adur and Ouse pilot catchment objectives Collaborative Delivery Model Examples and case studies Emerging Lessons

3 100 catchments 25 pilots 41 wider initiatives

4 Steps so far for the Adur and Ouse: Creation of EA virtual team and preparation of our evidence Stakeholder Analysis1-1 Conversations Jointly agree governance, objectives, ways of working Initiation of Catchment Steering group

5 Pilot Objectives for the Adur and Ouse Working together to understand the issues. Discussing and agreeing on outcomes and priorities. Sharing information and resources. Working together to tackle difficult issues that require multi-agency input. Working collaboratively to deliver work on the ground to achieve the agreed outcomes.

6 Adur & Ouse Collaborative Delivery Model Theme Objectives Targets Action Theme Strategic Aim, top level ONLY Objectives What specifically do we want to do? Targets Include evidence (where we are now & where we want to be) Action What is going to be done by whom and by when. FisheriesSurface Water quality Natural Rivers Groundwater Engagement Coastal Waters

7 Sussex Coastal Habitats Inshore Pilot Project (SCHIP) Outputs: Production of a high resolution habitat map Ground truthed through dives and experts Map will be used to inform the pressures for WFD and a baseline for the MCZ process Series of participatory workshops to gather community input Undertake a SWOT analysis of potential to utliilse community involvement in wider WFD monitoring Coastal Waters (c) NaturaImaging / Gerald Legg

8 Integrating Flood Risk Management with Water Framework Directive: Morph Case Study: Morph Morph is a catchment wide project addressing 15 sites within the river Ouse. We are combining our dual objectives through river and floodplain restoration Community Engagement We have held several stakeholder drop in sessions in village halls to discuss the project Following the drop in: 90% understood why we are doing MORPH quite well or very well 91% feel that restoration of the river & floodplain is the right thing to do 1-1 engagement is now taking place at site specific locations Natural Rivers

9 Use of social media and shared communications platform Engagement Knowledge Hub set up to help facilitate partnerships Partner website to encourage debate and space for catchment blog, next step is to set up twitter Identification of network of partner opportunities

10 Emerging Lessons: Collaborative working takes time (a really long time) You can never be too prepared for meetings Mutual understanding of aspirations is critical for joint success “Collaborative working isn’t rocket science…… …’s much harder than that”

11 Thank You

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