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Welcome to Foundation 2 At Carlton Standhill Infants’ School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Foundation 2 At Carlton Standhill Infants’ School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Foundation 2 At Carlton Standhill Infants’ School

2 The Foundation Curriculum now consists of 7 areas: 3 Prime Areas:- Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development 4 specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Arts and Design

3 PSED - Personal, Social and Emotional Development Expectations: Confident to try new activities and speak in a familiar group Maintain attention and concentration Understand and follow rules Play cooperatively, take turns and share fairly Manage their own feelings and behaviour Have awareness of own needs and be sensitive to needs and feelings of others.

4 PSED - How can you help? Playing games which encourage sharing and turn taking will help your child to build their social skills. Encourage your child to talk about their ideas, and choose the resources they may need for an activity

5 Physical Development Expectations: Demonstrate good control in large and small scale movement Handle tools and objects safely and with basic control, including pencils for writing Form letters correctly Recognise the importance of keeping healthy, and what constitutes healthy practice Children manage their hygiene and personal needs independently, as well as dressing.

6 Physical Development – How can you help? Give children time to run, jump, climb and play outdoors Encourage children in activities such as building, drawing, threading beads, or filling and emptying containers in the water - all of which develop manipulative skills. Use scissors and basic tools Encourage children to dress independently, including fastening their coat

7 Communication and Language Expectations : Listening Children listen attentively in a range of situations They listen to stories, responding to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions Speaking Children express themselves effectively, using past, present and future tenses correctly They connect ideas or events, when telling their own narratives or giving explanations Understanding Children follow instructions, involving several ideas They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions

8 Communication and Language – How can you help? Reading stories, encouraging your child to talk about the stories you have read Taking time to listen to them talking about things they’ve done and answering their questions. When talking with your child, use ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions Re-model incorrect tenses as part of your response

9 Literacy Expectations: Use phonic knowledge to read and spell words (blending and segmenting sounds) Read and write some common irregular words Read simple sentences, showing, when talking, that they understand what they have read Write sentences which can be read by themselves and others.

10 Literacy – How you can help? Encourage your child to write their name, with correct letter formation Practise hearing the initial sound in a word  sounding out all sounds in a word Writing things together, sounding out words, making simple sentences Reading books (stories, information books, newspapers, magazines, comics etc), encouraging your child to join in and talk about books Retell stories in the correct sequence, ‘ using ‘book’ language.

11 Mathematics Expectations: Count and order numbers to 20 Count reliably using one to one correspondence Understand vocabulary more/less Say the number that is 1 more / 1 less than a given number Solve problems including halving, doubling and sharing Understanding addition and taking away, using correct vocabulary Describe shape and size of solid and flat shapes Recognise and recreate simple patterns Describe positions eg. above, below, behind Use correct language to compare quantities eg. heavier/lighter, taller/shorter

12 Mathematics – How can you help? Talk about the shapes you can see in the environment Comparing things which are heavy and light or long and short Pointing out numbers all around Singing counting songs and rhymes Counting, adding and subtracting anything and everything - socks, cars, shopping, cutlery, fingers and toes! Solving simple mathematical problems

13 Expressive arts and design Expectations Sing simple songs from memory Use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques. Use what they know about media / materials in an imaginative way, thinking about uses and purposes Represent ideas and feelings through art, dance, music, design and technology, role-play and stories

14 Expressive arts and design– How can you help? Talk with your child about their imaginative play and join in if possible! Encourage them to be flexible in their thinking and use of materials and praising them for their efforts or ideas as well as the end product

15 Understanding of the World Expectations Talk about why things happen and talk about changes Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change in relation to living things, places, objects and materials Find out about past and present events in own life, and those of family members and other people he/she knows. Know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions Recognise a range of technology and use technology to support learning Talk about features of their own immediate environment and how environments may vary

16 Talk with your child about the places they go and things they see in the world around them Answering and asking questions - what if…? Why do you think…? How did you…? Letting children join in with everyday activities - cooking, shopping, helping in the garden... If possible let them have access to ICT, CD players, mobile phones, computers etc (if you have a laptop – get a mouse!) Understanding of the World – How can you help?

17 End of Foundation Stage At the end of the Foundation Stage ( by June), children will be assessed in each of the 7 areas as being either:  Below expectations  Meeting expectations  Exceeding expectations Expectations are what the average child is expected to achieve by the end of the year. Each child is treated as an individual and will be taught from where they are. Some children will do better than this.

18 Reading Very important to read at home regularly. Please write in your child’s reading record. It acts as communication between home and school. Let us know how they have got on. Help your child learn tricky words and key words. These will help when starting to read. Children will bring home a reading rocket towards the end of the term We will send out sound mats soon. Practise recognising the letters, blending sounds together to make words and encourage your child to write letters with correct formation and pencil grip.

19 Behaviour We are a ‘be’ school and follow these ‘be’ rules to ‘be your best’ :-  be caring  be sensible  be polite  be honest

20 Sanctions 1.A reminder. 2.Warning; given an orange card 3.Further warning; given a red card and name goes in behavior book and playtime is missed Hurting somebody, bad language -go straight to Head

21 Children’s clothes Please, please ensure you label your child’s name on everything!!!! ! ! !

22 Today Feel free to ask questions! Thank you!

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