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Campaign Update Diana Dowdle, Campaign Manager David Grayson, Clinical Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign Update Diana Dowdle, Campaign Manager David Grayson, Clinical Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign Update Diana Dowdle, Campaign Manager David Grayson, Clinical Lead

2 Improvement Framework for Scottish Government 1. Change the world 2. Create the conditions 3. Make the improvement Patient Safety Collaboratives Healthy Communities Collaboratives Maternity Care Quality Improvement Collaboratives Early Years Collaborative

3 Early Years Collaborative Learning Session 3

4 Primary Drivers Leadership & Culture Improved management and quality of care Improved leadership, culture & planning Early Years Leadership work stream Provide leadership system to support quality improvement across Early Years Collaborative

5 Healthy Hearts - Community Rehabilitation Well Managed Pain Memory Team Gout Busters Mental Health Short Stay Healthy Skin Helping at Risk People SMART (Safer Medical Admission Review Team) Inpatient Care for People with Diabetes Enhanced Primary Mental Health Supporting Life After Stroke Environmental Cleaning Franklin Co-ordination Service ACE ( Acute Care for the Elderly) Medical Assessment Unit Saving Limbs, Saving Lives Timely Effective Efficient Equitable Safe Patient/Whaanau Centred To continue giving back healthy and well days to our Counties Manukau community by 1 July 2014 AIM Measures: EC Presentation Length of Stay Readmission Admissions Occupancy Dot Days Driver Diagram Primary Drivers Collaborative

6 The Steps to Change

7 Building Change through Communications Builds Will Sustains energy Improves healthcare Scale up Spread Saves Days

8 Communications Bundle 1.Aim: What’s your message 2.Audience: Who do you need to engage? 3.Channels: How will you reach your audience 4.Story: How will you engage your audience 5.Review: What will you learn for next time? Andrew Cooper, Head of Communications & Marketing, NHS Wales Improvement

9 What’s your message? What do you want to achieve? How do you want people to respond? Profile your work/learning/successes Share ideas from collaborative meetings Data/ improvements made Actions What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What change can we make that will result in improvement Model for Improvement ActPlan StudyDo

10 Who do you need to engage? Your networks Your colleagues Patients and whaanau Your division/agency Leadership/ managers/clinical leads Local/ Regional/ National/ International “Build your community”

11 10 Key factors for sustainability ©NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2006 @LynneMaher1

12 How will you reach your audience? Your channels/networks Your colleagues and their channels Interested parties People you don’t know Presentations Conferences/forums Published papers

13 How will you engage your audience? Leaders ‘walk arounds’/site visits Quality issues on senior leaders meeting agenda’s Stories – patients, community, staff. Videos/ blogs/ posters Dashboards / data Road shows Reports


15 @20KDaysCampaign @EYCollaborative @KoAwatea @Graymattrs @DianaDowdle @sasanof @BrandonB_ISC @LynneMaher1 #20KDays

16 What will you learn for next time? 13 Phase 1 Collaborative teams 8 Collaboratives implementing permanently 16 Phase 2 Collaborative teams What worked- What didn’t? What will you learn? How will you share experiences with others?

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