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Stefano Sanvito Computational Spintronics Group Physics Department, Trinity College Dublin CCTN’05, Göteborg 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Stefano Sanvito Computational Spintronics Group Physics Department, Trinity College Dublin CCTN’05, Göteborg 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefano Sanvito Computational Spintronics Group Physics Department, Trinity College Dublin CCTN’05, Göteborg 2005

2 Aknowledgements  J. Ferrer (Oviedo)  V. M. Garcia Suarez (Oviedo)  C.J. Lambert (Lancaster)  S. Bailey (Lancaster)  Science Foundation of Ireland  Enterprise Ireland  Alexandre Reily Rocha The Smeagol partners


4 Smeagol implements the NEGF method in DFT  Localized multiple-  Pseudo-atomic orbitals  Optimized Pseudopotential  Ceperley-Alder Exchange correlation  Large k-point sampling  Super-cells with up to 1,000-10,000 atoms D. Sánchez-Portal, P. Ordejón, E. Artacho, and J.M. Soler, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 65, 453 (1997) In particular we use SIESTA

5 Scattering Region Right Lead Left Lead  L =  F +V/2  R =  F -V/2 H s [n] f(  L )f(  R ) H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H0H0 H1H1 H1H1 H2H2 H2H2 H3H3 H3H3 H4H4 H4H4 LL RR

6 H= H s +H 0 +H 0 +H 0 +…. Hermitian problem for an open infinite system Non-hermitian problem for finite system H s +  L +  R

7 Lead’s Self-energy Density Matrix Current Scatterer’s Green function A. R. Rocha, and S. Sanvito, PRB 70, 094406 (2004)

8 Total Hamiltonian Schrödinger equation Green Function Analytic form from Green equation and continuity Surface GF Use of boundary conditions S. Sanvito et al., Phys. Rev. B 59, 11936 (1999)

9 d orbitals fairly localized: no coupling between unit cells H 1 is close to singular Unitary Transformation  Highlights uncoupled states between principal layers  States are eliminated and couplings are renormalized  Numerically Stable We can solve for very complicated leads and the size of the system might be drastically downfolded!!! A. R. Rocha et al., in preparation

10  It converges !! It can use leads with complicated electronic structure  It is spin-polarized  Both finite and periodic systems  Parallel in real space, k and E  It is non-collinear  Now LDA+SIC and LDA+U

11 Molecular Spin valves Nature Materials 4, 335 (2005) Fe/MgO TMR junction In preparation DNA transport In preparation H 2 molecular junction V. Garcia-Suarez, PRB in press Pt point contacts V. Garcia-Suarez, PRL in press

12 Experimental Results by Petta et al., PRL, 93, 136601 (2004) A. R. Rocha et al, Nature Materials 4, 335 (2005)


14 R= I P I AP I

15  Smeagol is a powerful tool to study spin-transport at the nanoscale.  In Ni/Molecule/Ni the I-V presents a non-trivial behaviour and the GMR is strongly BIAS dependent  For pure tunneling GMR given by DOS at the contact  Prospects for large GMR devices

16  LDA+SIC and LDA+U: now  Current induced forces: end 2005  Inelastic effects (phonons): mid 2006  Free distribution: September 2005  Spin-orbit coupling: end 2005  Multi-terminal: mid 2006

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