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Talking Points AJBS Auto Forum Michael Smitka, Professor of Economics Williams School of Commerce Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 24450 -------------

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Presentation on theme: "Talking Points AJBS Auto Forum Michael Smitka, Professor of Economics Williams School of Commerce Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 24450 -------------"— Presentation transcript:

1 Talking Points AJBS Auto Forum Michael Smitka, Professor of Economics Williams School of Commerce Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 24450 ------------- Association of Japanese Business Studies Conference Friday, June 6, 2003 Concordia University Montreal, Quebec

2 Definition of industry By location: “japan” or “ownership” ? –Is Nissan “Japanese”? –Is Honda “Japanese”? –Neither clear By sector ? –Assembly: but at most 15% of costs –Design & engineering –Suppliers –Distribution

3 Analytics Final market: monopolistic competition –Implication: at best “normal” profits –Evidence: product proliferation, low profits Analytic premise #1: organizational change –Can old dogs learn new tricks, or entry / exit? Premise #2: is the firm an appropriate unit? –National industry? NAFTA vs Japan profits

4 Assembly focus in academics Not center of costs: suppliers –Overrated: worst in quality today is better than best when JDPower surveys began Not strategic key: design & product positioning Neither addresses issues of technology –Electronics in car, now alternate propulsion systems Marketing neglected –Absent dealerships, GM would have failed Poorest in quality, product, cost but survived

5 Suppliers Subject to strategy of parents –Both Toyota & GM had written policy: never be 1st to market - both now selective innovators –Qualitatively, no PACE (Automotive “Supplier of the Year”) finalists from Japanese supplier network –Qualitatively, suppliers I’ve visited in Japan are only now awakening from a passive mindset, about 10 years after transition in NAFTA

6 Design: What’s Known and (mainly) What Isn’t Speed-to-market: Japanese strength –Fujimoto research –Help with auto market –But still lagged in light trucks Link from marketing to design not studied Contrast of independent dealers vs captive dealers not studied

7 Domestic Japan Adjustment: my story of post-1991 shifts –Started with grant proposal in 1999, why no change despite 30% excess capacity? Unfortunately Nissan takeover announced between writing and evaluation of proposal –CY 2000 version: direction but not results –CY 2002 version: direction and results –Next version: adequate results?

8 Will “Japan” survive? Not sure what to conclude –Only 2 independent assemblers remain: Honda, Toyota - and former more US than Japan sales! –NAFTA still young: I know two retirees from Honda, but one was the 4th hire in HMMC. Cf. GM pension crisis –MMC, Mazda, FHI, Suzuki, Isuzu GM okay - FHI, Suzuki, remains of Isuzu DCX can’t manage mass market maker MMC Ford not yet recovered from chaos: fights between EU, NAFTA, with Mazda to date a loser

9 Nissan They make money, and maybe BMW Not clear anyone else does: on a ROA basis Toyota is not very profitable

10 The Future Industry consolidation? - will it work? China? –Every manufacturer I visited in Japan July 2002 and December 2002 wanted to discuss New technology? –Car electronics (adaptive safety devices) –Fuel cell electric vehicles & hybrids Demographics & LF issues in both US and Japan –Common source, firm-level issues vary with health care and retirement systems

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