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Proving Segment Relationships

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1 Proving Segment Relationships
Chapter 2 Section 7

2 Remember…properties of segment congruence
Reflexive Property AB ≅ AB Symmetric Property If AB ≅ CD, then CD ≅ AB Transitive Property If AB ≅ CD and CD ≅ EF, then AB ≅ EF

3 Postulate 2.9 Segment Addition Postulate
If three points A, B, and C are collinear and B is between A and C, then AB + BC = AC

4 Using Segment Addition in Proofs
Segement Addition Substitution Distributive Combine like terms Subtraction division

5 Proving Segments Given Def. of midpoint Substitution Subtraction

6 Proving Segments In the figure, KM = 35.
Solve for x. Justify each step. 1. Segment Addition 2. Substitution 3. combine like terms 4. Addition 5. Division 1. KL + LM = KM 2. 2x x = 35 3. 4x - 5 = 35 4. 4x = 40 5. x = 10

7 Have a great day! 

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