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Riddle I live in the ocean. I am a mammal. I eat fish. I can jump 10 feet in the air. What am I?

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Presentation on theme: "Riddle I live in the ocean. I am a mammal. I eat fish. I can jump 10 feet in the air. What am I?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Riddle I live in the ocean. I am a mammal. I eat fish. I can jump 10 feet in the air. What am I?

2 Dolphins By Hannah Grover

3 Animals Body Dolphins have a thick layer of fat called blubber. It helps them stay warm. Dolphins breath air through a blowhole or nostril at the top of their head. Dolphins have hair like all mammals.

4 Animals Habitat Dolphins live all over the world. Some dolphins like warmer water. Some dolphins live in rivers.

5 Animals Living Habits Bottle- nose dolphins live in pods. Dolphins work well with other species. Dolphins protect each other from prettier.

6 Ending Paragraph Dolphins are mammals. I picked dolphins to be my animal because me and my sister have always liked dolphins. Me and my sister think dolphins are beautiful.

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