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CHAPTER 5 The Working Cell

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1 CHAPTER 5 The Working Cell
Modules 5.1 – 5.4

2 Cool “Fires” Attract Mates and Meals
Fireflies use light, instead of chemical signals, to send signals to potential mates Females can also use light flashes to attract males of other firefly species — as meals, not mates

3 The light comes from a set of chemical reactions, the luciferin-luciferase system
Fireflies make light energy from chemical energy Life is dependent on energy conversions

4 ENERGY AND THE CELL Living cells are compartmentalized by membranes Membranes are sites where chemical reactions can occur in an orderly manner Living cells process energy by means of enzyme-controlled chemical reactions

5 5.1 Energy is the capacity to perform work
Energy is defined as the capacity to do work All organisms require energy to stay alive Energy makes change possible

6 Kinetic energy is energy that is actually doing work
Figure 5.1A Potential energy is stored energy Figure 5.1B

7 5.2 Two laws govern energy conversion
First law of thermodynamics Energy can be changed from one form to another However, energy cannot be created or destroyed Figure 5.2A

8 Second law of thermodynamics
Energy changes are not 100% efficient Energy conversions increase disorder, or entropy Some energy is always lost as heat Figure 5.2B

9 5.3 Chemical reactions either store or release energy
Cells carry out thousands of chemical reactions The sum of these reactions constitutes cellular metabolism

10 Potential energy of molecules
There are two types of chemical reactions: Endergonic reactions absorb energy and yield products rich in potential energy Products Amount of energy INPUT Potential energy of molecules Reactants Figure 5.3A

11 Amount of energy OUTPUT Potential energy of molecules
Exergonic reactions release energy and yield products that contain less potential energy than their reactants Reactants Amount of energy OUTPUT Potential energy of molecules Products Figure 5.3B

12 5.4 ATP shuttles chemical energy within the cell
In cellular respiration, some energy is stored in ATP molecules ATP powers nearly all forms of cellular work ATP molecules are the key to energy coupling

13 Adenosine triphosphate Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
When the bond joining a phosphate group to the rest of an ATP molecule is broken by hydrolysis, the reaction supplies energy for cellular work Adenine Phosphate groups Hydrolysis Energy Ribose Adenosine triphosphate Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) Figure 5.4A

14 Potential energy of molecules
How ATP powers cellular work Reactants Products Potential energy of molecules Protein Work Figure 5.4B

15 Dehydration synthesis
The ATP cycle Hydrolysis Dehydration synthesis Energy from exergonic reactions Energy for endergonic reactions Figure 5.4C

16 CHAPTER 5 The Working Cell
Modules 5.5 – 5.9

17 For a chemical reaction to begin, reactants must absorb some energy
HOW ENZYMES WORK 5.5 Enzymes speed up the cell’s chemical reactions by lowering energy barriers For a chemical reaction to begin, reactants must absorb some energy This energy is called the energy of activation (EA) This represents the energy barrier that prevents molecules from breaking down spontaneously

18 A protein catalyst called an enzyme can decrease the energy barrier
EA barrier Enzyme Reactants 1 Products 2 Figure 5.5A

19 EA without enzyme EA with enzyme Reactants Net change in energy
Products Figure 5.5B

20 5.6 A specific enzyme catalyzes each cellular reaction
Enzymes are selective This selectivity determines which chemical reactions occur in a cell

21 The enzyme is unchanged and can repeat the process
How an enzyme works Active site Enzyme (sucrase) Substrate (sucrose) Glucose Fructose 1 4 Enzyme available with empty active site Products are released 3 2 Substrate is converted to products Substrate binds to enzyme with induced fit Figure 5.6 The enzyme is unchanged and can repeat the process

22 5.7 The cellular environment affects enzyme activity
Enzyme activity is influenced by temperature salt concentration pH Some enzymes require nonprotein cofactors Some cofactors are organic molecules called coenzymes

23 5.8 Enzyme inhibitors block enzyme action
Inhibitors interfere with enzymes A competitive inhibitor takes the place of a substrate in the active site A noncompetitive inhibitor alters an enzyme’s function by changing its shape Substrate Active site Enzyme NORMAL BINDING OF SUBSTRATE Competitive inhibitor Noncompetitive inhibitor ENZYME INHIBITION Figure 5.8

24 5.9 Connection: Some pesticides and antibiotics inhibit enzymes
Certain pesticides are toxic to insects because they inhibit key enzymes in the nervous system Many antibiotics inhibit enzymes that are essential to the survival of disease-causing bacteria Penicillin inhibits an enzyme that bacteria use in making cell walls

25 CHAPTER 5 The Working Cell
Modules 5.10 – 5.21

26 5.10 Membranes organize the chemical activities of cells
MEMBRANE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 5.10 Membranes organize the chemical activities of cells Membranes organize the chemical reactions making up metabolism Cytoplasm Figure 5.10

27 Membranes are selectively permeable
They control the flow of substances into and out of a cell Membranes can hold teams of enzymes that function in metabolism

28 5.11 Membrane phospholipids form a bilayer
Phospholipids are the main structural components of membranes They each have a hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tails Head Symbol Tails Figure 5.11A

29 In water, phospholipids form a stable bilayer
The heads face outward and the tails face inward Water Hydrophilic heads Hydrophobic tails Water Figure 5.11B

30 5.12 The membrane is a fluid mosaic of phospholipids and proteins
Phospholipid molecules form a flexible bilayer Cholesterol and protein molecules are embedded in it Carbohydrates act as cell identification tags

31 The plasma membrane of an animal cell
Glycoprotein Carbohydrate (of glycoprotein) Fibers of the extracellular matrix Glycolipid Phospholipid Cholesterol Microfilaments of the cytoskeleton Proteins CYTOPLASM Figure 5.12

32 5.13 Proteins make the membrane a mosaic of function
Some membrane proteins form cell junctions Others transport substances across the membrane Figure 5.13 Transport

33 Many membrane proteins are enzymes
Some proteins function as receptors for chemical messages from other cells The binding of a messenger to a receptor may trigger signal transduction Messenger molecule Receptor Activated molecule Figure 5.13 Enzyme activity Signal transduction

34 5.14 Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane
In passive transport, substances diffuse through membranes without work by the cell They spread from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration Molecule of dye Membrane EQUILIBRIUM EQUILIBRIUM Figure 5.14A & B

35 5.15 Osmosis is the passive transport of water
Hypotonic solution Hypertonic solution In osmosis, water travels from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration Selectively permeable membrane Solute molecule HYPOTONIC SOLUTION HYPERTONIC SOLUTION Water molecule Selectively permeable membrane Solute molecule with cluster of water molecules NET FLOW OF WATER Figure 5.15

36 5.16 Water balance between cells and their surroundings is crucial to organisms
Osmosis causes cells to shrink in a hypertonic solution and swell in a hypotonic solution The control of water balance (osmoregulation) is essential for organisms ISOTONIC SOLUTION HYPOTONIC SOLUTION HYPERTONIC SOLUTION ANIMAL CELL (1) Normal (2) Lysing (3) Shriveled Plasma membrane PLANT CELL Figure 5.16 (4) Flaccid (5) Turgid (6) Shriveled

37 5.17 Transport proteins facilitate diffusion across membranes
Small nonpolar molecules diffuse freely through the phospholipid bilayer Many other kinds of molecules pass through selective protein pores by facilitated diffusion Solute molecule Transport protein Figure 5.17

38 5.18 Cells expend energy for active transport
Transport proteins can move solutes across a membrane against a concentration gradient This is called active transport Active transport requires ATP

39 Active transport in two solutes across a membrane
FLUID OUTSIDE CELL Phosphorylated transport protein Active transport in two solutes across a membrane Transport protein First solute 1 First solute, inside cell, binds to protein 2 ATP transfers phosphate to protein 3 Protein releases solute outside cell Second solute 4 Second solute binds to protein 5 Phosphate detaches from protein 6 Protein releases second solute into cell Figure 5.18

40 5.19 Exocytosis and endocytosis transport large molecules
To move large molecules or particles through a membrane a vesicle may fuse with the membrane and expel its contents (exocytosis) FLUID OUTSIDE CELL CYTOPLASM Figure 5.19A

41 or the membrane may fold inward, trapping material from the outside (endocytosis)
Figure 5.19B

42 Material bound to receptor proteins
Three kinds of endocytosis Pseudopod of amoeba Food being ingested Plasma membrane Material bound to receptor proteins PIT Cytoplasm Figure 5.19C

43 5.20 Connection: Faulty membranes can overload the blood with cholesterol
Harmful levels of cholesterol can accumulate in the blood if membranes lack cholesterol receptors Phospholipid outer layer LDL PARTICLE Receptor protein Protein Cholesterol Plasma membrane Vesicle CYTOPLASM Figure 5.20

44 5.21 Chloroplasts and mitochondria make energy available for cellular work
Enzymes and membranes are central to the processes that make energy available to the cell Chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis, using solar energy to produce glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water Mitochondria consume oxygen in cellular respiration, using the energy stored in glucose to make ATP

45 Chemicals recycle among living organisms and their environment
Sunlight energy Nearly all the chemical energy that organisms use comes ultimately from sunlight Chloroplasts, site of photosynthesis CO2 + H2O Glucose + O2 Mitochondria sites of cellular respiration Chemicals recycle among living organisms and their environment (for cellular work) Heat energy Figure 5.21

46 CHAPTER 5 Extra Photographs

47 Kinetic energy Figure 5.1x1

48 Potential and kinetic energy
Figure 5.1x2

49 Potential and kinetic energy
Figure 5.1x3

50 Forest fire Figure 5.3x

51 ATP, molecular model Figure 5.4Ax

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