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Example ANSWER x(x+1). Example Example ANSWER 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Example ANSWER x(x+1). Example Example ANSWER 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Example ANSWER x(x+1)

2 Example

3 Example ANSWER 1

4 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions Advanced Math Topics Mrs. Mongold

5 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions Finding Least Common Multiples and Least Common Denominators! o Use prime factorization o Example: Find the LCM of 6 and 4 6 = 2·3 4 = 2 2 LCM= 2 2 ·3 = 12

6 Find the LCM 1. a 2 – 6a + 9 and a 2 + a -12

7 Find the LCM 2. 18r 2 s 5, 24r 3 st 2, and 15s 3 t

8 Find the LCM 3. 12a 2 b 4, 27ac 3, and 18a 5 b 2 c

9 Find the LCM 4. p 3 + 5p 2 + 6p and p 2 + 6p + 9

10 Find the LCM 5. q 2 – 4q + 4 and q 3 – 3q 2 + 2q

11 Find the LCM 6. 2k 3 – 5k 2 – 12l and k 3 – 8k 2 +16k

12 Find the LCM 7. x 3 -x 2 – 2x and x 2 – 4x + 4

13 Add and Subtract Rational Expressions Same as fractions… o To add two fractions we find the LCD, the same things is going to happen with rational expressions

14 Examples 8. Simplify

15 Examples 9. Simplify

16 Examples 10. Simplify

17 Examples 11. Simplify

18 Examples 12. Simplify

19 Examples 13. Simplify

20 Examples 14. Simplify

21 Examples 15. Simplify

22 Homework

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