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Land Transportation Transportation Technology. Who invented the Wheel?  Only means of transportation was by foot or animal.  Sleds began to be used.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Transportation Transportation Technology. Who invented the Wheel?  Only means of transportation was by foot or animal.  Sleds began to be used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Transportation Transportation Technology

2 Who invented the Wheel?  Only means of transportation was by foot or animal.  Sleds began to be used in places like the artic and desert  Middle East over 5000 years ago the wheel was invented.

3 Highways  Roadways at the beginning of the 20 th century were little more than cleared stretches of dirt.  Roads and highways were originally made for horses and carriages  This image was taken in 1913.

4 Highways  With the advent of the automobile, and concrete, roads were changed from mud bogs….  To clear, all weather stretches of roads

5 Highways  President Eisenhower in 1956 saw a need for an interstate road system to better connect the states.  Much of his experience was from the troubles of transporting equipment and troops in Europe during WWII.  It started out as 41,000 miles of road.

6 Automobiles  Were NOT invented by Henry Ford!  Automobiles were already in development in Great Britain, Germany, and France.  Steam engines were put on bicycles and carriages, but were slow and noisy.

7 Automobiles  Autos were becoming more popular in the US, but….  Most could not afford them, and there was a distrust of their noise, safety, and that they would scare horses!  Many people like Diamler, Benz, and Maybach were producing engines and cars in Europe.  Still, they were too expensive.

8 Automobile  Enter, Henry Ford  His invention of the assembly line took the production of the automobile to another level.  He streamlined the process cutting the production, and reducing costs, which resulted in a more affordable product.  His dream was for every American to be able to own an automobile.

9 Model T  Henry Ford made his dream come true with the Model T.  Produced from 1908-1927.  The price dipped as low as $250! Making affordable to the common working man.

10 Present Autos  Automobiles have gone through various changes over the years.  Still, we use the internal combustion engine to power our cars.  Will future cars be powered by the same energy source?  What will you drive in the future?

11 Railroads  First railroad was developed in England in 1627.  First iron rail system came along in 1767.  First started out being humans powered, then steam, and now electric.  Can carry very heavy loads.  Can only travel where rails exist.

12 Transcontinental Railroad  Completed in May of 1869.  Linked the eastern U.S with the west.  Followed the same route of the old wagon trails.  Ended with the famous golden spike ceremony.

13 Trains  Two kinds of trains  Freight- For hauling material  Passenger- For hauling people.

14 Trains  Monorails ride along on a single rail. Have you ever been on one?  A MagLev train floats on a cushion of air in between two repelling magnets.

15 Pipe Transportation  Most are underground, however some like the Alaska Pipeline are above ground.  Transports materials such as oil, natural gas, water, coal, and gravel.  First started being used in the 1500-1600’s to transport water via bamboo or hollowed out logs  Now they are made from various materials like steel or plastic.

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