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Cool Tools Study Skills/Time Management/Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Cool Tools Study Skills/Time Management/Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cool Tools Study Skills/Time Management/Planning

2 Set Priorities Make a Homework Plan Make a Study Plan Avoid Obstacles to Learning Give Your Best Effort

3 Setting Priorities We all have lots of things we want to do, but it is very important to figure out what to do first, second, third, etc. At school, your FIRST priority should be learning, and everything that will help you to learn Your secondary priority is making friends— remember that it is Secondary though!

4 Make a Homework Plan Know what you have for Homework—make sure to use your planner in every class, and bring it home with you Ask someone if you don’t understand – the teacher or a friend in your grade Have all that you need – books, notebooks, papers, poster board, etc.

5 Homework Figure out what to do first – Does spelling take you a long time? Will math be quick? Give yourself plenty of time– don’t wait until bedtime to start homework and don’t wait for the night before to start a project or write a long paper Remember to turn it in

6 Make a Study Plan Find out what will be on the quiz or test Gather all that you need Give yourself enough time Use a method that works best for you and for the information – Flash cards – Take notes from the book – Have a friend, parent, or sibling quiz you – Repeat, repeat, repeat

7 Obstacles to Learning Being Tired – Make sure you are getting enough sleep. You need around 10 hours every night. If you wake up at 6am, you need to go to sleep by 8pm. Being Hungry – Make sure you eat a balanced diet. Breakfast and Lunch are offered in the cafeteria; Make sure your Dinner is nutritious.

8 More Obstacles Being Unprepared – Make sure you have everything you need: pencils, paper, homework, books, planner, permission slips Too Noisy – Listen quietly when people speak in class and wait for your turn to offer ideas. – If it is too noisy at home, try a friend’s or relative’s house, or work at your local Library

9 Organization Being organized can really help you succeed! Use a folder to keep Homework neat and safe Write down all assignments and due dates in your planner Keep your items for each class in their own spot in your locker and backpack – Textbook, folder with paper & homework, any special items like crayons or rulers

10 Best Effort We know Washington students are smart, but now is your chance to show that you can learn and work hard to achieve your goals. Maybe you are having a Science test tomorrow, and you think you already know everything in Science. Remember that if you are going to give your best effort, then you should review the material tonight at home.

11 Best Effort Maybe you love Math, but writing makes your hand tired, or maybe Science and reading are your best classes, but P.E. makes your face go red and sweaty just thinking about it. Remember you don’t have to be perfect, just do your own personal best, using your best effort!

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