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Semester 1 History Review 2009 Part 2 # 30 - 66. 30. Dissent: disagreement with or opposition to an opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester 1 History Review 2009 Part 2 # 30 - 66. 30. Dissent: disagreement with or opposition to an opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester 1 History Review 2009 Part 2 # 30 - 66

2 30. Dissent: disagreement with or opposition to an opinion

3 31.Joint-Stock Company/Virginia Company: company that sells stock for a share of the profit

4 32. Indentured Servant: laborer who works for passage to America

5 33. House of Burgesses: Jamestown legislative assembly

6 34. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut: first written constitution in America

7 35. Mayflower Compact: provided law in the Plymouth Colony

8 36. Slave Codes: laws that governed slaves

9 37. Puritans: Group that settled in Massachusetts

10 38. Separatists/Pilgrims: Left England for religious purposes

11 39. Economy in South Colonies: development of slave labor on plantations

12 40.Economy in New England Colonies: subsistence farming

13 41.Enlightenment: historic period of intellectual and artistic creativity that improved society

14 42.Jamestown: the Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting tobacco

15 43. Militia: a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies

16 44. Albany Plan of Union (who/what) : developed to unify the colonies for more security against France, a key leader was Ben Franklin

17 45.Treaty of Paris (French and Indian War) – (who/what/why) : divided North America between Great Britain and Spain, with the Mississippi River marking that western boundary. Ended the French presence in North America.

18 46. Proclamation of 1763: prohibited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian mountains

19 47. Sugar Act: The British government’s attempt to stop smuggling by lowering the tax on molasses

20 48. Stamp Act: British tax on almost all printed materials in the colonies

21 49.George III: King of England during the Revolutionary War; opposed any compromise with the American colonists

22 50. Declaration of Independence Author – Thomas Jefferson

23 51.Writ of Assistance: In order to search a colonist’s house, a British customs officer presented a writ of assistance.

24 52.Declaratory Act: gave the British Parliament the right to tax and make decisions for the colonists “ in all cases whatsoever”

25 53.Intolerable Acts: passed by the British to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party; closed Boston harbor and banned town meetings

26 54. Lexington & Concord: The “shot heard round the world”; start of American Revolution

27 55.Loyalists & Patriots: Loyalists – colonists loyal to the British; did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion Patriot- wanted to fight the British for American Independence

28 56.Mercenary: – a hired soldier

29 57.George Washington: commander in chief of the American army

30 58. Marquis de Lafayette: French nobleman who was Washington’s advisor

31 59.Paul Revere: shouted “the regulars are out” to warn that the British were coming

32 60.Von Steuben: brought military discipline to George Washington’s troops

33 61.Valley Forge: Patriots were forced to endure a winter of terrible suffering at Valley Forge

34 62.Yorktown: After this battle, King George III agreed to give Americans their freedom

35 63.Saratoga: After this battle, the French announced support for the United States

36 65.Mercantilism (define & explain the purpose of mercantilism) : An idea that defines the economic relationship between a mother country and its colonies; a nation’s power depends on expanding its trade; British mercantilism was strengthened by the Navigation Acts

37 66. Treaty of Paris (1783) (what was it, three main parts of it, who did it favor) : Ended the Revolutionary War Three Main Parts: 1. British promised to withdraw all troops from American territory 2. British recognized US as an independent nation 3. US now claimed territory extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to Spanish Florida

38 STUDY your colonies map!


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