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BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH CAREER. Establishing a research team.

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2 Establishing a research team

3 The Foundation: Laboratory Technician Skill sets: –Basic math, chem & bio –Computer savvy (Word, Excel, Power points and web search) –Reliable –Good at trouble-shooting, but knows when to ask for help

4 Building the Relationship Treat your tech as a valuable team member Include in lab meetings, one- on-one meetings Have them present at national meeting Include them as authors when their contribution has been significant for the research to be published

5 The Additions Graduate Students Positives Eager and need to write dissertation to get degree Relatively cheap labor Negatives Taking classes Require a lot of attention

6 The Additions Medical Students Positives Will work hard for good letter of recommendation for residency Also cheap labor Negative Most require training Usually only available for summer or 6 week rotation

7 The Additions Postdoc and Clinical Fellows Postdoc are usually well-trained but only stay 2-4 years Clinical fellows usually need research training and stay only 6 months to one year

8 Management

9 Communication, Communication, Communication Lab/team meetings Individual meetings Make sure your reasonable expectations are known and set deadlines for accomplishments


11 Management Skill Sets Become knowledgeable about basic accounting since you will manage budgets A short workshop on basic management skills is helpful Time management skills are a must!

12 Conflict Resolution Must be resolved quickly Bring parties together to hear both complaints at the same time If you cannot resolve bring in Human Resources

13 Networking, Publications and Grant Applications

14 Networking within your Institution Establish collaborations Seek out opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborators and for translation research involving clinical faculty

15 Networking in the Scientific Community Present at regional and national meetings Directly contact researchers for potential collaboration Ask seminar directors to invite your potential collaborations to give a talk at your university to develop personal relationships

16 The Wrong Kind of Networking

17 Publications Research projects are not complete until results are communicates to the scientific/medical community The number and impact of publications is a critical factor in obtaining grant support Structure experiments such that the results from the sequence of data presentation in a paper Strive to have a continuous flow of manuscripts/publications: one in press, one in revision and one in draft form

18 What could happen if you don’t publish in a timely fashion

19 GRANTS Necessary to support your lab’s research Normally required to obtain promotion and tenure Seek a mentor who has been successful in obtaining grants and who has served on grant review panels Attend grants workshops Volunteer to serve on grant review panels And above all (see next slide)

20 Develop a “Thick Skin”

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